Korean Language Blog

Object Marking Particles In Korean Posted by on Feb 21, 2018 in Grammar, Korean Language

People who study Korean frequently ask me about these small words, 이/가, 은/는, or 을/를 in the Korean language. Although these markers have little or no meaning by themselves, they distinguish a subject, topic, or object in a Korean sentence. In this post, we will explore the object markers, and in the Korean language.

If you need to review subject markers and topics markers in the Korean language, please follow the link below to review them.

These object markers ‘-eul()’ and ‘-reul()’ are attached to nouns and indicate the object in the sentence. You add   to a noun when the noun ends in a consonant, and 를  to a noun when the noun ends in a vowel.

“Object Marking Particles in Korean - 1” by KLM
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Photo by KLM

*One tip for you to remember about an object in the Korean sentence, unlike English, a Korean object is placed after a subject/topic and before a verb.

ex)          저는     한국어   공부해요.                  ( I            study     Korean.)

     Korean: Subject + Object +  Verb       ( English: Subject + Verb + Object.)

As I mentioned in the previous posts, native Koreans will understand you without these markers, however using these subject, topic, and object markers will help you to deliver your message in a clearer way.

If you need a little extra practice, please try to fill in the following blanks. Just don’t forget to follow these rules.

(Noun ending in a Consonant) + 을  

 (Noun ending in a Vowel) +

  1. 저는 한국어____ 공부해요. (I study Korean.)
  2. 저는 엑소 _____ 좋아해요. (I like EXO.)
  3. 선생님은 음악 ____ 사랑해요. ((MY) Teacher loves music.)
  4. 친구가 한국 드라마____ 좋아해요. ((MY) friend likes Korean dramas.)

Are you ready to check your answers?

“2. Object Marking Particles in Korean” by KLM
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  1. 저는 한국어 공부해요. (I study Korean.)
  2. 저는 엑소 좋아해요. (I like EXO.)
  3. 선생님은 음악 사랑해요. ((MY) Teacher loves music.)
  4. 친구가 한국 드라마 좋아해요. ((MY) friend likes Korean dramas.)

감사합니다! (Thank you!)

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About the Author: Kyung-Hwa

안녕하세요? My name is Kyung-Hwa, and I am a native of South Korea. I am accustomed to both English and Korean languages and cultures. I greatly appreciate and love both of them. I am passionate about learning different languages, and I have studied English, Japanese, and Spanish. In my spare time, I take joy in singing, playing the piano, and reading books. I also enjoy traveling around the world, meeting people, and embracing new cultures and languages...