Tag Archives: Pronunciation
Learning Korean with Social Media: Podcast Posted by Linda on Nov 24, 2012

Learning Korean with Social Media: Podcast with Linda and Hyojin. Our previous blog post, “Learning Korean with Social Media”, listed useful Korean phrases and words alongside English translations. This follow-up post provides you with a 15-minute podcast, walking you through the various Korean pronunciations that we listed (see below). We’ll also chat about helpful background…
Learning Korean with Social Media Posted by Linda on Nov 13, 2012

Learning Korean can be very time consuming. But using social media can help you gather quick, useful words and phrases. If you don’t have time to read our blog, please come visit us on Facebook and Twitter. We have a “Korean word of the day”, which is incorporated into a useful sentence. By building your…
Spoken versus Written Posted by Ginny on May 22, 2009
A lot of people think that the Korean language is phonetic, meaning that words are pronounced exactly as they are written. This is true to some extent, but there are cases where there is a discrepancy between the way Korean is read and the way it’s written. When a riul (리율) or ㄹis placed next…
Korean Pronunciation for English Words Posted by Transparent Language on May 22, 2008

I’ll have fries with that! “French fries 주세요 juseyo,” I said to the cashier at 버거 킹 beogeo king. Her only response was a confused look. I repeated myself. She tried to follow my line of vision to locate what I was looking at on the overhead menu. It was written in Korean, so I…