Korean Language Blog

Vacations in South Korea: Gangwon-do Posted by on Jul 4, 2018 in Korean Language, Vocabulary

Do you prefer spending your summer vacation in the mountains or at the beach? Many South Korean people enjoy their summer vacations in mid July and August. They will be attracted to populous destinations all over the country. Many Koreans, especially who live in Seoul (the capital of South Korea), will travel outside of the city: to a shady and quiet mountain or to a sunny and sandy beach.

When you plan a 휴가 (vacation), which side are you on? To me, both choices have appealing aspects, therefore, I enjoy traveling to 강원도 (Gangwon-do), a northeast province, in South Korea. Do you recall the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games, which was held in February? The hosting city, PyeongChang, is one of the cities in 강원도.

Along with many of my friends and family members, I like to travel to 강원도  because this region offers both perks of a 산 (mountain) and a 바닷가 (beach). 강원도  is a few hours away from Seoul, and there are several ways to reach my 도착지 (destinations): by 자동차 (car), 기차 (train), or 버스 (bus).

  1. 휴가  [hyu-ga] : vacation
  2. 강원도  [gang-won-do] : Gangwon-do – a northeast province in South Korea.
  3. 산  [san]:  a  mountain
  4. 바닷가  [ba-dat-ga] : beach
  5. 도착지  [do-chak-ji] : destination
  6. 자동차  [ja-dong-cha] : car
  7. 기차  [gi-cha] : train
  8. 버스  [beo-s] : bus

This region is blessed with these gorgeous mountains, 설악산 (Seoraksan),  오대산 (Odaesan), 치악산 (Chiaksan), and 태백산 (Taebaeksan). Depending on the season, they portray picturesque views of the mountain ranges, beaches of the east coast from the mountain tops, or staggeringly beautiful mountains with a blanket of snow.

Photo by KLM

Besides gorgeous mountains, this region also attracts many vacation goers, with sunny and sandy beaches. The following beaches are popular because they offer vacationers opportunities to enjoy charming water views, swimming in the ocean, and listening to the sound of waves: 경포 (Gyeongpo), 속초 (Sokcho), 낙산 (Naksan), 정동진 (Jeongdonjin), 주문진 (Jumunjin), and many more. 정동진 (Jeongdonjin) is one of the most popular places where many Korean people travel to watch the sunrise on the New Year’s morning.

Do you enjoy spending your vacation in the 산 (mountains) or at the 바닷가 (beach)? What is your answer to this question? Number 9, 10, or 11?

  1. 저는   좋아해요. (I like mountains.)

 [jeo-neon san-eul jo-ah-hae-yo]

10. 저는  바닷가를  좋아해요. (I like beaches.)

[jeo-neon ba-dat-ga-reul jo-ah-hae-yo]

11. 저는  하고  바닷가를  좋아해요. (I like mountains andbeaches.)

[jeo-neon san-ha-go ba-dat-ga-reul jo-ah-hae-yo]

감사합니다. (Thank you!)

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About the Author: Kyung-Hwa

안녕하세요? My name is Kyung-Hwa, and I am a native of South Korea. I am accustomed to both English and Korean languages and cultures. I greatly appreciate and love both of them. I am passionate about learning different languages, and I have studied English, Japanese, and Spanish. In my spare time, I take joy in singing, playing the piano, and reading books. I also enjoy traveling around the world, meeting people, and embracing new cultures and languages...