Latin Language Blog

Disney Mythology vs. Greco-Roman Mythology: Part II Posted by on Nov 25, 2014

Salvete Omnes! Let’s continue with the Disney theme for this week! But don’t worry those Latin learners, next week we will begin Latin from the basics to the advance. If you have any questions or requests- please let comment below. #6. Pandora’s Box Film or Series: Once Upon a Time; 2011 Disney Mythology: Pandora’s Box…

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Disney Mythology vs. Greco-Roman Mythology: Part I Posted by on Nov 19, 2014

Salvete Omnes, With the many of you learning Latin and the Roman culture; I believe it is important to observe how antiquity permeates through modern media. So today I propose we observe the role of mythology, mythic characters and items within Disney films and series. #1. Character or Item FEMALE CENTAURS OR KENTAURIDES Film or Series…

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Dido & Aeneas: Through the Ages Posted by on Nov 13, 2014

Salvete Omnes, I would like to take some time this week to indulge in one of my favorite love stories: Dido and Aeneas. Over this weekend, I saw at the Los Angeles Opera Purcell’s “Dido and Aeneas;” and it got me thinking about the countless retellings of this couple and their themes of love and…

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Pope ditches Latin as official language of Vatican Posted by on Nov 6, 2014

Salvete Omnes, I hope that everyone has had a great Halloween with party, candy, and great costumes! However what I would like to talk about today is the fact that the Latin language has become a little less bright in the world this last month. “In a break with the past, Pope Francis has decided that…

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Guide to Impersonal Latin Verbs Posted by on Oct 23, 2014

The following is for your reference use for impersonal verbs.  Impersonal verbs usually do not have a subject or nominative instead there is an implied (he, she, it).  However they can take nominative in certain sentence structure. Most of these impersonal verbs will take either an accusative, dative, genitive, or rarely an ablative. followed by the…

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Scary Stories From Ancient Rome Posted by on Oct 16, 2014

Happy Halloween! Some of the first scary stories were told and recorded in Latin, and while sure there have been scary stories from all cultures and times- we are focusing on Latin and Ancient Rome. The following list is comprised of stories I have read, learned about, or researched that scared me, disturbed me, or…

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Emperor Commodus, Vladmir Putin and Hercules Posted by on Oct 8, 2014

Salvete Omnes, This week I was torn on what to write about until yesterday. Yesterday was Putin’s birthday and with it an interesting art exhibit in his honor. Thus, this post will be a news jacking post. I do hope you enjoy.   Hercules also known as Herakles was a renowned and famous demigod that…

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