Latin Language Blog

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Roman Fashion Posted by on Oct 15, 2013

1. Not everyone wore togas. Only free-born  men  were allowed to wear togas (as a sign of  citizenship), while women wore stolas. Prostitutes and adulterers wore togas, because they were not allowed to wear stolas and this male garment was a sign of their female disgrace and shame. This is even reminiscent of Hawthorne’s Scarlett Letter. 2…

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100 Most Common Words in Latin Posted by on Oct 9, 2013

The 100 Most Common Written Words in Latin Learning these common words will give you a huge leg up when reading, writing, speaking, and listening to Latin, but remember that most of these words will have various forms due to their cases (Accusative, Genitive, Dative or Ablative) or function in a sentence or clause…

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Popular Ancient Roman Halloween Costume Ideas Posted by on Oct 2, 2013

Often when Halloween roles around, we don’t know if we should dress up or host a party or even pass out goodies for neighboring children. As adults, it is a challenge for us to find the time, resources, or even funds to come up with a creative costume. Most individuals have the biggest trouble with…

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How One Latin Sentence Can Teach You SO Much Posted by on Sep 25, 2013

The foundation story of Rome can be found in Book I of Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita (From the Founding of the City)  (Literally: From the City having been founded). Thus, Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita begins with the founding of Rome and progress to his modern day. Let us attempt to translate one sentence…

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Mars: From Roman God of War to First Science Feed in Latin. Posted by on Sep 11, 2013

Ancient Mars Mars [Latin: Mars or Marvors] was the Roman god of war (the Greek god of war was Ares). Mars’ placement in Roman mythology is near identical to that of Greek Mythology. Some major myths that include Mars can be read on here. However, Romans had a different appreciation for Mars than the Greek had…

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Popular Quotes Translated to Latin Posted by on Sep 4, 2013

Salvete Omnes, The following quotes are done with the simplest form and are meant to be fun! While, I did not translate certain words such as “damn” and “chocolates” etc.; this was due to a stylistic approach or a lack of an ancient words. Also, it should be noted to those new to Latin that the word…

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The Mundus of Ceres: Portals and Ghosts Posted by on Aug 28, 2013

The following is a fictional creative piece based upon historical facts. The Story: August 24th 157 CE I awoke to the smell of smoke. There was something burning, but I could not distinguish what. It smelt like lamb or maybe even goat. I was getting older I could tell; my nose and even eyes were losing their…

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