Latin Language Blog

Latin Epigraphy I Posted by on Jan 8, 2012

Epigraphy is the science of the inscriptions. Latin epigraphy works on reading and desciphering the Latin inscriptions. It also helps to interpret the writings and to infer data  that can be applied in many fields. Epigraphic texts are authentic and original compared to other writings that are copies (of copies). There are inscriptions of various types…

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Christmas carols and Latin verbs in imperative Posted by on Dec 29, 2011

When we are in Christmas I remember my childhood (probably the same happens to most of you who were grown up in christian countries). We used to eat, drink and sing a lot 🙂 and one of the most famous Christmas carols was and still is Adeste Fideles (“Oh Come, All Ye Faithful” in…

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Some Latin prepositions Posted by on Dec 24, 2011

Accusative prepositions: Latin English Latin English Ad To, towards, up to, until Adversus Toward, against Ante Before Apud Among, in the presence of, at, at the house of Circa, circum,circiter About Contra Against, opposite Erga Toward, about Extra Outside, beyond Infra Under, below Inter Among, between Intra In Iuxta Close to, next to, near to…

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De origine latinae linguae (About the origin of Latin) Posted by on Dec 15, 2011

Lapis Niger. Photo by Francimanz under Creative Commons License

Before returning to the lessons on grammar, syntax and purely linguistic subjects, let’s place Latin language’s origin on it’s  geographical and historical context. A few tens of kilometers from the mouth of the Tiber River was a region of marshy plains and hills sparsely populated in prehistoric times. Is the region of Rome and since…

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Roman movies Posted by on Dec 12, 2011

The heritage of Classical Rome is not only reduced to the language field and traditional Western arts. When speaking about roman influence we tend to think of painting, sculpture and some kind of aesthetic values. Instead, we often ignore the roman influence on the movies. Next, we will review the most important aspects of roman…

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New Latin blogger Posted by on Dec 11, 2011

Hello to all lovers of Latin and Ancient world! I have been honored with the gift of being the new blogger of this site 🙂 So it  is a pleasure to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Leire, I am a 25 year old girl from Pamplona (northern Spain). I grew up…

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Latin Numbers Posted by on Oct 17, 2011

Here is a table of Latin numbers 1 – 30. Unus 1 Duo 2 Tres 3 Quattuor 4 Quinque 5 Sex 6 Septem 7 Octo 8 Novem 9 Decem 10 Undecim 11 Duodecim 12 Tredecim 13 Quattuordecim 14 quindecim 15 sedecim 16 septendecim 17 duodeviginti 18 undeviginti 19 viginti 20 viginti unus 21 viginti duo…

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