Archive for 'Language'
Talking about Languages Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Mar 31, 2019
Beklager, jeg snakker ikke engelsk! (Sorry, I don’t speak English!) Although I normally wouldn’t recommend lying, the previous phrase might come handy if you’re a beginner & want to practice your norsk! 🙂 Otherwise there is a certain chance that the Norwegians you meet will answer you in their excellent English… Let’s talk about språk…
Describing Looks Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jan 31, 2019
Hvordan ser han/hun ut? How does he/she look? You might not carry around photos of everyone you know in mobilen din (your mobile phone), so now and then you’ll need ord (words) to describe somebody’s utseende (appearance, literally ”out-looking”). Høy, lav, stor, kraftig, liten, tykk, tynn (tall, short, big, strongly built, small, thick/stout, thin) –…
When is your birthday? Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Nov 23, 2018
Asking about somebody’s fødselsdag (birthday) might not be the first thing you do. Still, when the topic does pop up, it’s good to be prepared! 🙂 Otherwise, the knowledge of how to say datoer (dates) could come handy when planning … dates. You can ask the question itself in two different ways – both meaning…
Norwegian Icebreakers Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Apr 29, 2018
Ever been to a social gathering where nobody said a word? 🙂 If you travel around Norway, you’ll certainly meet people who are less talkative than the stereotypical American, for example. (A Norwegian friend told me about countryside family dinners where noone spoke – they were busy eating!) Sometimes, breaking the ice may be just…
Slow Down and Repeat Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Mar 25, 2018
Jeg lærer norsk. Kan du snakke litt langsommere? (I’m learning Norwegian. Could you speak a little bit slower, please?) As a language learner, you’ve probably sometimes found yourself in situations of awkward communication. Maybe you’ve learnt a few setninger (phrases) by heart, and all of a sudden every Norwegian starts telling you their life story…
Talking about food Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jan 28, 2018
Mmm, kjempegodt! 🙂 People everywhere in the world like to eat mat (food) and talk about it, and Norwegians are no exception! Eating together with natives can be a great opportunity to hone your language skills, so let’s take a look at some useful things to say (when you’re not chewing…) Food ideologies Spiser du…
Asking about Origins Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Sep 24, 2017
Hvor kommer du/dere fra? (Where do you/you guys come from?) Some people don’t like this question, but as a tourist it’s hard to avoid the natives’ curiosity. 🙂 When asked in a friendly way, it can be a genuine icebreaker… Let’s look at origins. The easiest way to reply is, of course, by means of…