Photo by Ralph Daily at Flickr, CC License.
OMG! OK, it’s forkorting (abbreviation) time. LOL. 🙂 BTW, YOLO, so let’s get down to it:
osv. = og så videre = ”and so further” = etc.: Vi må betale eiendomsskatt osv. (We’ve got to pay property tax etc.)
osb. = og så bortetter = osv. in Nynorsk Norwegian.
f.eks. = for eksempel = for example: Vil du til Nordnorge, kan du reise med f.eks. Hurtigruta. (If you want to got to Northern Norway, you can travel with the Hurtigruta ferry, for example.)
obs = observant = please note: Obs! Husk å kjøpe kålrot. (NB! Remember to buy swedes. [Vegetables, not people from Sweden!]) – Obs! is also the name of a Norwegian retail chain.
bl.a. = blant annet/blant andre = among other things: De besøkte bl.a. Trysil. (They visited Trysil and other places.)
kr = kroner = Kroner: 5 kg poteter kr 20. (5 kilo potatoes 20 Kroner.)
el. = eller = or: Kaffe el. te. (Coffee or tea.)
inkl. = inklusive = included: Høyfjellshotell inkl. frokost. (Highland hotel, breakfast included.)
mfl. = med flere = ”with several” = and more (persons): Til 17. mai skal kongen mfl. holde tale. (For May 17th the king and others will deliver a speech.)
kl. = klokka = o’ Clock: Moroa starter kl. 10. (The fun starts at 10.)
m.a.o. = med andre ord = in other words: Hun var m.a.o. full. (In other words, she was drunk.)
ca. = circa [SEERkah] = approximately: Det tok ca. en time å komme ned. (It took [us] more or less an hour to get down.)
o-løp = orienteringsløp = orienteering (a sport where you run to find hidden controls in the wilderness).
stk. = stykk(e) = piece. Prisen er 30 kroner per stk. (The price is 30 Kroner a piece.)
PS Of course, there are many other forkortinger, f.eks. in the realm of matlaging (cooking): Bruk 2 ss mel og 1 ts sukker. (Use 2 tablespoonfuls of flour and 1 teaspoonful of sugar.)
I’ve seen “pga” in a tweet, which I’ve later learned is an abbreviated form of “på grunn av”.
Mvh – Med vennlig hilsen – ca. Best regards i post./Kindly regards
i.h.t/ihht i henhold til – in accordance to
pr – per
t.o.m. – til og med – to and with *time
f.o.m. – fra og med – from and with.
eks. – ekskludere – exclude
etg. etasje – stage
Bjørn A. Bojesen:
@Jakub @Jakub – Thanks for the additions! 🙂 I had less time than usual when I wrote that post, so there are obviously abbreviations I left out. Tusen takk!