I don’t own a hus (house), but someday when I do, I’m definitely
going to throw an inflyttingsfest (housewarming party). I have older friends that own a house, but
none of my friends that are the same age as me (26) have taken that jump (or
can afford it). In any case, in the next
10 years, I presume I’ll attend quite a few inflyttingsfester.
First, I’d like to go over some vocabulary related to items in a hus. When you attend an inflyttingsfest, you probably look around
at everything in the hus-møbler (furniture), kunst (art), elektronikker
(electronics), tekstiler (textiles), veggene (the walls), gulvet (the floor),
and of course stil (style) and farger (colors), among other things.
At innflyttingsfester that I have attended, I usually get an omvisning (tour) of the hus. I like when the host or hostess does this as it typically means there is nothing they feel they need to hide from their friends and family and they are stolt av (proud of) their new home. During the omvisning, you will get a good look at kjøkkenet (kitchen), soverommene (bedrooms), bad (bathrooms), stue (living room), garasjen, verandaen (the porch), etc.
At any norsk fest (Norwegian party), it is customary to bring a small gave (gift) for the host/hostess, but it is especially important at an innflyttingsfest. Ei flaske vin (a bottle of wine), godteri (candy), or blomster (flowers) are all typical gaver. It is a nice gesture when a guest enters the home and introduces him or herself to the rest of the guests. If you are the designated driver, you best not consume any alcohol. There will always be non-alcohol beverages for the driver. I always advise taking a taxi so all guests can enjoy a drink or two:)
It is proper to wait for the host/hostess to eat before the guests dig in. Remember to say “Takk for maten” (thanks for the food) when you have finished your meal! And don’t think that when you leave the table that the evening is over. You will likely head into the stue where you will sit and prat (chat) over kaffe og kaker (coffee and cakes). You will not walk away hungry!
thanks! i love every post you do! keep it up!!
@jonn Thanks, Jonn!
Virginia LeTourneau:
I liked the last paragraph…that’s truly what you do in Norway! Retire to the stue and prat over kaffe og kaker! We enjoyed many such moments during our stay there.
@Virginia LeTourneau It truly is a great tradition, isn’t it?