Norwegian Language Blog

On On and In Posted by on Nov 30, 2015

It’s time to address some of the real utfordringer (challenges) that many of you face as Norwegian learners. (Thank you, by the way, for all the great feedback you left on this topic!) Først ut (first in line) are … the prepositions i (in) and på (on…)! Both are used in answering hvor (where) questions…

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Norwegian Words of Healing Posted by on Nov 25, 2015

Det er en vanskelig tid for mange (it’s a hard time for many [people]). Uskyldige mennesker (innocent people) have been killed in Bamako, Paris, Beirut and other places. That’s when we need our languages to comfort each other and show that we care about each other. Words can hurt, but more importantly – ord (words)…

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Meet the Monster Posted by on Oct 31, 2015

Monsteret er løs! (The monster is ”loose”!) Right now, it is doing everything it can to prevent you from learning norsk! Men fortvil ikke… (But don’t despair…) There is a way to get through Halloween alive… First of all, you must kjenne din fiende (know your enemy)! Of course, the Norwegian night is full of demons……

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Norwegians Love Kos Posted by on Oct 23, 2015

Nå skal vi kose oss! (Now let’s cozy up/enjoy ourselves!) In Iceland, I’ve been told, they have this vits (joke) about the stereotypical Norwegian being a hyperactive sportsman: Always trekking, skiing or running around in the most expensive and chic sportswear! Well, it’s certainly true that mange nordmenn elsker friluftsliv (many Norwegians love outdoor life)…

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Norwegian Plurals are your friends Posted by on Oct 16, 2015

In Norwegian, as in English, some ord [ore] (words) have surprise plurals… liten – små (little [something] – little [somethings]) mann – menn (man – men) gås – gjess (goose – geese) fot – føtter (foot – feet) bok – bøker (book – books) natt – netter (night – nights) strand – strender (beach –…

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How Hard Is Norwegian? Posted by on Sep 30, 2015

How hard is Norwegian actually? I’d say it depends a lot on your native language. If you’re an English-speaker – lucky you. Both languages come from the same Germanic roots, and there are loads of similarities, grammar-wise and vocabulary-wise: Vi liker egg! (We like eggs!) Naboen har små vinduer. (The neighbour has small windows.) Some…

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A Norwegian Quiz Posted by on Sep 21, 2015

How much do you know about Norwegian culture? Here’s a quick quiz to speed up your brain… 1. There’s a risk you’ll bump into an isbjørn (polar bear) Æ. All over Norway (except Oslo). Ø. In Svalbard. Å. In Troms. 2. North of polarsirkelen (the Polar Circle) Æ. winters are completely dark Ø. you have…

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