Norwegian Language Blog

What’s Norwegian for Twerking? Posted by on Oct 11, 2013

It’s no secret that people in Norway and other western countries are fascinated by USA [oo es AH] (they might be complaining about American politics but still watch the soaps). Miley Cyrus makes some daring bevegelser (moves), and the next moment people from Oslo to Australia are talking about twerking. Or are they? It depends…

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Going Social Posted by on Sep 30, 2013

In Norway, most people have datamaskiner [DAHtahmasheen-air] (computers) and internett. The Norwegians I know mostly love sosiale medier (social media). This might have something to do with Norway being a very long country with a lot of isolated places – social media is just a handy way to keep in touch with your venner (friends). It might…

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The new Gangnam style is Norwegian Posted by on Sep 27, 2013

I first heard about Ylvis-brødrene (the Ylvis brothers) during my study years in Bergen. Vegard (born 1979) and Bård Ylvisåker (1982) had some shows, both onstage and on television. The local media were praising the very young, very talented comedians. I thought it was funny that their name sounded like a Norwegian ”Elvis” – with…

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It’s Berry Time! Posted by on Aug 31, 2013

Late summer is the perfect time to go berry-picking in Norway. In the grøfter (ditches) along the village roads you’ll see small red markjordbær (wild strawberries), and you don’t have to walk long before you find yourself in a kratt (thicket) full of dark, delicious blåbær (blueberries). In skogen (the forest) there are sweet red bringebær (raspberries) and their black cousin…

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Norwegian Oops! moments Posted by on Jul 31, 2013

When I was a kid, I once went with my mother into a public library in Norway to look for cartoons and children’s books. The old lady at the counter seemed really friendly, so I said out aloud, so everyone in the library could hear it: “She looks rar!” In my native language, Danish, that’s…

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Your holiday in a suitcase Posted by on Jul 21, 2013

It’s ferietid (holiday time), and many nordmenn (Norwegians) are going abroad – or spending time in Norway, which is usually a treat in sommersola (the summer sun). (In case you wondered – most Norwegians have 5 weeks of holiday a year. As it’s normal to dedicate chunks of that period to things like the Easter…

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Land of trolls Posted by on Jun 29, 2013

”Where can we see the trolls?” The two turister (tourists) from Asia looked surprised when I explained them that trolls were rather hard to find in the Norwegian natur [naTOOR]. I was working in a museum souvenir shop where the shelves were full of miniature reindeer, elks and … trolls. No wonder that they thought…

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