Norwegian Language Blog

Icelandic volcano’s effects on Norway Posted by on Apr 18, 2010

It has been difficult to keep up with the ever-changing updates on the vulkanutbrudd – volcanic eruption – that happened in Iceland last week.  Uttbruddet of Eyjafjallajökull is being referred to by many as ”The world’s worst travel disaster in history.  Thousands of flights have been delayed already and it is expected that flight travel will…

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Viking ancestors in England Posted by on Apr 14, 2010

You betcha there are many British citizens who are etterkommere (descendants) of Norwegian vikinger (Vikings), although it is unknown how many and where from.  Britiske forskere (British researchers) are conducting a study to chart Northern England’s Viking legacy.  Professor Peter Harding at the University of Nottingham will be leading the study and working very…

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Norwegian Dialects Posted by on Apr 13, 2010

The question: ”Snakker du norsk?”  (”Do you speak Norwegian?”) should almost always be followed by another question: ”Hvilken dialekt?” (”Which dialect?”).  There are 2 official written Norwegian languages, bokmål (literally book language) and nynorsk (literally new Norwegian).  Although Norwegian dialects are commonly organized in 5 main groups: nordnorsk (northern Norwegian), trøndersk (Trøndelag Norwegian), innlandsmål (Midland Norwegian)…

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Easter in Norway Posted by on Apr 7, 2010

As you well know, this post is a wee bit overdue.  Nevertheless, let’s talk påske.  Pronounced ”poask-eh,” Easter in Norway is a long awaited hellidag(er) (holiday(s)) that lasts for nearly 1 week.  Easter vacation in Norway lasts longer than in most countries.  The following are the days of Easter på norsk: Palmesøndag-you guessed it, Palm…

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Norwegian Numbers 1-1.000.000 Posted by on Apr 6, 2010

So the second to the last post focused on Norwegian grunntall (cardinal numbers) 1-100.  I feel that it is important to teach you the ordenstall (orddinal numbers) as well.  Think about how often you say ‘first’ or ‘thirteenth.’  We use ordenstall all the time.  Without further ado, I present to you Norwegian ordenstall 1-1.000.000: Grunntall (Cardinal numbers)…

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April Fool’s Day in Norway Posted by on Apr 2, 2010

Aprilsnarr.  I’m a day behind on this post, but that’s only because nobody played a joke on me or anyone else in my vicinity.  What a kjedelig (boring) life I lead, ikke sant?  Although the big day was yesterday, I think it’s such a strange <ikke helligdag — not holiday> but merkbar dag (notable day)…

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Norwegian numbers 1-100 Posted by on Mar 25, 2010

Here is a table to assist you with Norwegian numbers 1-100: Number in English Translated to norsk Transliterated version 0 Null Nool 1 En Ehn 2 To Too 3 Tre Tray 4 Fire Fee-reh 5 Fem Fem 6 Seks Sex 7 Sju Shoe 8 Åtte Oat-eh 9 Ni Nee 10 Ti Tee 11 Elleve Elv-eh…

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