Olympic Gold for the Norwegians Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Feb 28, 2018 in Uncategorized
For en glede! For en folkefest! (What a joy! What a celebration for the people!) Vinter-OL i Sør-Korea has come to a glorious end for the country known as skisportens vugge (the craddle of skiing). Rødt, hvitt og blått (red, white and blue – the colours of the Norwegian flag) totally dominerte seierspallen (dominated the podium) in Pyeongchang this February. De norske vinteratletene (the Norwegian winter athletes) just had their most successful OL (= Olympiske Leker, Olympic Games) ever, ever. With a total of 39 medaljer – including 14 gull, 14 sølv [serll] and 11 bronse – the Norwegians beat Tyskland (Germany, 31 medals) and Canada (29 medals), leaving their Nordic rivals Sverige (Sweden, 14 medals) and Finland (6 medals) far behind i skisporet (in the ski run).
Before we pop the champaign and throw all our norske flagg (Norwegian flags) high up in the air, let’s do a very quick recap. 🙂 Norway won medals all across the board, but especially tok kaka (”took the cake”, did great) in the classic ski sports. 14 medals were won by langrenn (cross ountry) skiers (including 7 gold medals). 5 medals (2 gold) were gained by skiers who fearlessly left the ground in skihopping (ski jumping).
Especially two Norwegian athletes made people all over Norway cry gledestårer (tears of joy):
- Marit Bjørgen won 5 medals, including gold for the great 30 km classic ski run. Now dronningen av skisporten (the queen of skiing), as she’s called, is also the Queen of the Olympics: At an age of 37 years, she’s won a record-breaking total of 14 Winter Olympic medals.
- Johannes Høstflot Klæbo won 3 gold medals, with the ski sprint victory as his greatest success. Incredibly, the 21-year-old skier had never participated in OL before. Lots of people started calling him the ”Justin Bieber” of skiing.
To celebrate the wintery triumph, here’s a bit of crazy Norwegian humour – Pyeongchangnamstyle by the TV show Helt Ramm (”Totally [Nicolay] Ramm”). 🙂

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