Tag Archives: ski
Most Norwegian Words Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on May 31, 2018

Which words are the ”most Norwegian”? Of course, such a spørsmål (question) is very hard to answer… Besides, there are so many words to pick! Here are my (current) candidates for the prize – do you (dis)agree? fjord [fyor] (fjord). The beautiful fjords only exist in a few countries (Norway, NZ, Chile and a few…
Olympic Gold for the Norwegians Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Feb 28, 2018

For en glede! For en folkefest! (What a joy! What a celebration for the people!) Vinter-OL i Sør-Korea has come to a glorious end for the country known as skisportens vugge (the craddle of skiing). Rødt, hvitt og blått (red, white and blue – the colours of the Norwegian flag) totally dominerte seierspallen (dominated the…
“Sprek” Norwegians are Sporty Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Oct 16, 2017

Are you a spreking (≈ fit person)? An Icelander told me about this stereotype of nordmenn (Norwegians): They are people who are always active, do a lot of sport, and speed up and down fjellsidene (the mountain slopes) with top-notch utstyr [OOTsteer] (gear). Even if this stereotype is vastly exaggerated – I’ve personally known several ”lazy”…
Snow Words Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jan 30, 2015
Det snør, det snør! (It’s snowing, it’s snowing!) For many Norwegians, januar has been a lot colder than desember. Many places around the country are still dekket av snø (covered by snow). Here’s a handful of snow words. Catch! • nysnø (new snow) is the fresh snow that has just fallen… If there’s already a…
Exotic Easter In Norway Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Mar 31, 2013
Do you celebrate påske (”PAWskeh”, Easter) in your country? A lot of people around the world look forward to påsken (or påska) – even if they’re not Christian. They enjoy decorating their homes with påskekyllinger (Easter chickens) and eating delicious påskeegg (Easter eggs) of chocolate. These things are the same in Norway. But most other…
Ut på ski! Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jan 9, 2013
Liker du å gå på ski? [LEEKer doo aw gaw paw SHEA] Do you like skiing? The winter season is here, and nordmenn i alle aldersgrupper (Norwegians of all ages) are enjoying the outdoor activities made possible by snøen (the snow) and the wild Norwegian landscapes. In the most famous skisportsteder (ski sport places), like Jotunheimen or Lillehammer (remember vinter-OL in 1994? 🙂 )…