Norwegian Language Blog

Save the Children Norway Posted by on Sep 7, 2010 in Culture, Norway and the world

Since I cannot start to work without an arbeidstillatelse (work visa), I thought it only make sense that I do engage in some frivillig arbeid(voluntary work) here in Tromsø.  It just so happens that there is another girl from Minnesota here in Tromsø that shares quite a few mutual friends with me from back home.  I was given her name by someone at home and it was recommended that I get in touch with her just because it makes sense:)  There can’t be too many of us Minnesotans here in Tromsø; it’s always nice to meet someone from home who is familiar with the same annual events such as the State Fair and the Twins.  We’ve been feeling bad for ourselves that we couldn’t partake in the festivities at home.  But there is certainly plenty to do here in Tromsø 🙂

Anyways, this new friend got me into Redd Barna Tromsø (Save the Children-Tromsø division).  I have never worked with this organization before, but was familiar with it.  I have always taken an interest in the movement of people over national borders and thus was quite excited to know someone who works in this field and be able to experience working within such a large and well-known international organization.  I’ve been to several meetings so far and if I get to stay here in Norway, will likely partake in many more.

Redd Barna Tromsø is an very active branch of Redd Barna Norge that arranges activities for asylsøkere (asylum seekers) that have moved to the Tromsø area.  Red Barna Norge’s primary objectives include fighting for barns rettigheter (children’s rights) so that they can live a safe and rich life here in Norway.  Redd Barna works to prevent and respond to vold mot barn (violence against children) and to assist children with assimilation and solidarity in Norwegian schools.

Some of the activities that Redd Barna Tromsø has arranged in the past include the following:

-a trip up Fjellheisen, a cable car that takes you up the mountain in Tromsdalen that gives you a fantastic view of Tromsø below

å ake (go sledding)

-a trip to Polaria (the Polar Museum)

å bowle (go bowling)

å kose seg med internasjonalt mat og selskap (enjoy onesself with international food and company)

å leke på Legoland (playing at Legoland)

and other such activities that both very young children and older children (up to early teens) can enjoy with their families.

I was just out delivering flyers to several places in the city for the first event-velkomsfesten (the welcome party).  There is a mottaksenter (asylum center) and a voksenopplæringskole (adult learning school) for immigrants å lære norsk for eksempel that we delivered the message to.

I’m looking forward to getting more involved with Redd Barna here in Tromsø.

Check out the following link for more information on Redd Barna Norge.  Perhaps you’d like to donate a small sum to the cause:) or just learn more about the organization.

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About the Author: kari

I attended St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN, where I majored in Norwegian and History. During college, I spent almost a year living in Oslo, Norway, where I attended the University of Oslo and completed an internship at the United States Embassy. I have worked for Concordia Language Villages as a pre-K Norwegian teacher and have taught an adult Norwegian language class. Right now, I keep up by writing this Norwegian blog for Transparent Language. Please read and share your thoughts! I will be continuing this blog from my future residence in the Norwegian arctic!