Tag Archives: brunost
17 Things to Love about Norway Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on May 17, 2020

Gratulerer med dagen! (Happy May 17th!) Today Norwegians all over the world are celebrating their grunnlov (constitution – from 1814). This year, of course, is very different. Most of the fun 17. mai-tog (May 17th parades) have been cancelled. 🙁 Instead, children and adults have to celebrate hjemme [YEMMeh] (at home). Let’s join the celebrations…
Souvenir Hunting in Norway Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jul 18, 2016
Hei! Hvordan går det? Hopefully, your answer is bra (well)! 🙂 To many people, sommeren ([the] Summer) is a time for reiser (travels). Maybe you even found your way to Norge, to enjoy the land of fjorder og fjell? Here are some suvenirer you may consider bringing home: • norsk melkesjokolade (Norwegian chocolate). While some…
Norwegian Waffles Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on May 31, 2014
En vennegjeng (a group of friends) and I once paid a visit to a friend’s familie in the Haugesund area (Southwestern Norway by the coast). All of a sudden moren (the mother) in the house entered the wood-panelled living-room balancing a plate full of steaming hot vafler. I found it a very Norwegian experience! 🙂…