Norwegian Language Blog

Tag Archives: dialect

A Sip of Norwegian Comedy Posted by on Jun 30, 2021

Gi ungdommen en flaske brennevin før idretten tar dem! (Give the young people a bottle of brandy before they’re possessed by sports!) This quote by Per Inge Torkelsen is very well-known in Norway. A famous comedian and klovn (clown) from the city of Stavanger, Torkelsen passed away eight days ago. Having grown up in the…

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Talking about Languages Posted by on Mar 31, 2019

Beklager, jeg snakker ikke engelsk! (Sorry, I don’t speak English!) Although I normally wouldn’t recommend lying, the previous phrase might come handy if you’re a beginner & want to practice your norsk! 🙂 Otherwise there is a certain chance that the Norwegians you meet will answer you in their excellent English… Let’s talk about språk…

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Meet the Monster Posted by on Oct 31, 2015

Monsteret er løs! (The monster is ”loose”!) Right now, it is doing everything it can to prevent you from learning norsk! Men fortvil ikke… (But don’t despair…) There is a way to get through Halloween alive… First of all, you must kjenne din fiende (know your enemy)! Of course, the Norwegian night is full of demons……

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Tir n’a Noir Posted by on Nov 23, 2012

Are you looking for Norwegian music? A band I’d recommend to anyone is Vamp. Based in the west coast city of Haugesund, they’ve been famous for their Irish-inspired folk rock since the 1990’ies. They’re a staple at televised festivals, and have won an armful of the prestigious spellemann (”fiddler”) awards. The band was founded by Torbjørn Økland and…

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Not Every A is a Girl Posted by on Sep 17, 2012

Remember when we talked about Langfjella, the mountain range that causes the clouds to drop all their rain in Western Norway, leaving Eastern Norway a lot drier? Now, what kind of name is Langfjella really … it has an -a ending, so clearly it must be the ”the” version of a feminine noun, right? Well, not…

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