Tag Archives: Disney
Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Dec 21, 2017

Visste du at juletreet i London er norsk? (Did you know that the Christmas tree in London is Norwegian?) Each year a høy julegran (tall Christmas spruce) gets a new home in the middle of the English capital. When its electrical lights are lit, and the whole tre (tree) is shining beautifully i den mørke…
Norwegian Christmas TV Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Dec 24, 2016
Norway is a country of many juletradisjoner (Christmas traditions). For decades, TV-titting [TEH VEH teetting] (”the watching of television”) has been an important part of jula (Christmas) for lots of norske familier (Norwegian families). Når hele familien samles (when the whole family is gathered) foran fjernsynet (in front of the television set), accompanied by some…
Fiction Heroes in Norwegian Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jan 21, 2016
Har du sett den nye Star Wars-filmen? (Have you seen the new SW movie?) Ever since nyttår (New Year) I’ve been wanting to do a post for all the Star Wars fans out there! But I hate to say it – besides lyssabel (light sabre) and Må kraften være med deg! (May the force be…