Tag Archives: fairy-tale
Feeling Bored in Norwegian Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jul 21, 2018

Kjedelig! (Boring!) Late summer is a time when some people start to get bored – kids are tired of their parents dragging them through verden (the world) on a busy sommerferie (summer holiday) and just want to go hjem [yem] (home), while the adults maybe have started longing for their quiet kontor [konTOHR] (office)! 🙂…
7 Facts about Trolls Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Feb 25, 2016
Turister (tourists) never seem to tire of troll (trolls), so I hope you won’t mind yet another look at Norge’s most popular inhabitants. 🙂 As I recently had the fun task of doing some troll research, I thought I’d share a few fakta (facts) with you: 1. The first troll in history was Norwegian and…
Eat Chocolate, Learn Norwegian Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Apr 11, 2013
The next time you’re in a Norwegian kiosk shopping snop (sweets, candies), look out for the melkesjokolade (milk chocolate) called ”Et lite eventyr” (a little fairy-tale). There is only a single piece of chocolate inside the little yellow plastic wrapping. But then you don’t buy this product for the sjokolade – on the back side…