Tag Archives: Gro Harlem Brundtland
Election Time! Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Sep 13, 2021

It’s election time in Norway! Today, all Norwegian citizens get the chance to vote for their favourite parti [parTEE] and help decide who’ll be the country’s next PM (in Norwegian: statsminister, ”minister of the state”): Will Erna Solberg stay in power or will folk (people) pick somebody else? My predecessor Kari already described how makt…
Are Norwegians Equal? Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Mar 9, 2017

I går var det kvinnedagen (yesterday it was the Women’s Day), and kvinner (women) and menn in Norway and other countries tok til gata (”took to the street”) to feire (celebrate) and demonstrere for likestilling (demonstrate for equality). Compared to most other countries, Norge is a very egalitarian land – only Finland and Iceland are…
A Radiator for Norway Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Nov 30, 2012
For many Norwegians, it is viktig å hjelpe andre [VEEktee aw YELpeh ANN-dreh] (important to help others). Norway is one of the world’s richest countries, and a lot of people feel they should share a bit of this rikdom (wealth) with fattige land (poor countries). Organizations like Røde kors (Red Cross), Redd barna (Save the Children) and Kirkens nødhjelp (The Church’s Humanitarian Aid) do an awful lot…