Tag Archives: likestilling
Are Norwegians Equal? Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Mar 9, 2017

I går var det kvinnedagen (yesterday it was the Women’s Day), and kvinner (women) and menn in Norway and other countries tok til gata (”took to the street”) to feire (celebrate) and demonstrere for likestilling (demonstrate for equality). Compared to most other countries, Norge is a very egalitarian land – only Finland and Iceland are…
Kongefamilien Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Oct 16, 2012
Having taken a look at some Norwegian words for familiemedlemmer (family members), the Norwegian ”First Family” stands in line. I suppose you’ve already seen the no. 1 of kongefamilien (the Royal Family) – kongen selv (the King himself). On every Norwegian 10 or 20 Kroner coin, the profile of kong Harald is looking towards the…
Norwegian Regions Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on May 30, 2012
When the current Norwegian Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg, was picking members for his regjering (government), a journalist [shoornaLIST] asked him how he went about. The PM joked that he had to hit the right balance between ”kjønnsdeler og landsdeler” (gender parts and country parts). This demonstrates how important likestilling (equality) is in Norway: Ideally, half…