Tag Archives: oil
Election Time! Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Sep 13, 2021

It’s election time in Norway! Today, all Norwegian citizens get the chance to vote for their favourite parti [parTEE] and help decide who’ll be the country’s next PM (in Norwegian: statsminister, ”minister of the state”): Will Erna Solberg stay in power or will folk (people) pick somebody else? My predecessor Kari already described how makt…
The Job Question Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Apr 30, 2019

Hva jobber du med? (What’s your job?) Many people love talking about their job, and Norwegians are no exception! 🙂 When everything else fails, throw in some work-related vocabulary to keep the conversation afloat… – Jeg er sykepleier / lærer / baker. (I’m a nurse / teacher / baker.) – Åh, det høres spennende ut!…
Sweet Brother Jokes Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Apr 30, 2015
– Vet du hvorfor svenskene står opp når de skal sove? (Do you know why Swedes are standing when they’re going to sleep?) – Nei! (No!) – De regner med å falle i søvn! (They think they’ll be falling asleep!) Svenskevitser (Swede-jokes) like that are quite popular in Norway. In fact, nordmenn (Norwegians) love joking…
A Visit to Stavanger Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jul 12, 2012
Do you remember Kari’s text about Stavanger [staVANGer], Norway’s 4th largest city? (After Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim – sorry about the niggling, Kari!) Being the one Norwegian city I’ve visited the most, and the place where I’m currently writing, I thought I might have something to add… As Kari wrote, Stavanger is the capital of…
Norway and Russia agree in Barents Sea Posted by kari on Apr 28, 2010
For mange tiår (decades) Norway and Russia have argued over ownership of 175,000 sq. km. in Barentshavet (the Barents Sea). You might be wondering what the big deal is about Barentshavet. It’s just water, right? No, it’s money, and lots of it. Tens of billions of barrells of olje (oil) and 1-3 of the world’s…