Norwegian Language Blog

Tag Archives: Old Norse

What’s Up with Norway and Vikings? Posted by on Sep 30, 2020

I don’t know if the TV series Vikings created a lot of Norwegian learners. Still, since it first aired (2013), many people around the world have become curious about the fierce Scandinavian warriors. No, you can’t chat to them. But 2020 Norwegian wouldn’t be there without their input, so let’s revisit vikingene. (I should say…

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Norwegian Plurals are your friends Posted by on Oct 16, 2015

In Norwegian, as in English, some ord [ore] (words) have surprise plurals… liten – små (little [something] – little [somethings]) mann – menn (man – men) gås – gjess (goose – geese) fot – føtter (foot – feet) bok – bøker (book – books) natt – netter (night – nights) strand – strender (beach –…

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