Archive for 'Culture'
The importance of spoken words in Afghan culture Posted by muhammad on Dec 7, 2018

خپله ژبه هم قلا ده هم بلا Khpala czba hum qala da hum bala da “It’s your own tongue which either lands you in trouble or protects you from it” In the above proverb, “tongue” refers not to the body part, but one’s language or speech—indicative of the role and importance of spoken words in…
Understanding the Pashtun Way of Life: Gham Khadi, Revaaj, and Pashtunwali Posted by muhammad on Nov 27, 2018

د کلي ووځه خو له نرخه مه وځه Da kaley wawoza kho la narkha ma woza “Let leave the village but not its conventions” In the above proverb, the love of traditions and conventions is described to be more essential for a Pashtun than the love of the village they are born in. In some…
Basic Greetings in Pashto Posted by aniazi on Feb 4, 2014
Welcome to our guide to Afghanistan. You may be going to Afghanistan on business, for a visit or even hosting Afghani colleagues or clients in your own country. Remember this is only a very basic level introduction and is not meant to stereotype all Afghanis you may meet. When meeting someone the handshake is the most common form…
TABLA, Afghan Musical Bass Beat: Posted by aniazi on Jan 14, 2014
Tabla is the most famous percussion music instrument in Afghanistan. It is most commonly used in Afghanistan classical music (موسيقي), but its versatility in all musical styles (عبارتونو) has enabled it to become the most popular percussion instrument. The level of sophistication and tonal beauty (ښايست) it possesses has elevated the instrument to an…
What Does the Word Ghairat Really Mean in Pashto? Posted by Sayed Naqibullah on Feb 24, 2013
You might be wondering why we are introducing to you a single word in this post. Well, the short answer is because it is very important to know this word if you want to know more about Afghans. Understanding the meaning associated with this word will enable you to understand the issue of honor in…
Men Holding Hands in Afghanistan Posted by Sayed Naqibullah on Jan 6, 2013
In this post I would like to start by asking you a question. Suppose you are a man and you are in Afghanistan, what would you do if an afghan male-coworker or a friend approaches you and holds your hand? Well, I bit you will panic, blush, and be nervous. In this post we will…
Pleasantries in Pashto (Common Phrases of Politeness) Posted by Sayed Naqibullah on Dec 13, 2012
In this lesson we will teach you some very useful phrases that we refer to as pleasantries. These are the words or phrases that we use in order to show respect, appreciation, humility etc. By using these words one will come across as a polite person. Even if you don’t speak the language you will…