Polish Language Blog

Archive for May, 2019

What I will tell my daughters on Children’s Day tomorrow Posted by on May 31, 2019

Tomorrow all children in Poland will be celebrating Children’s Day! Every year, Children’s Day is celebrated across many nations of the world with great enthusiasm. In Poland, Children’s Day is known as “Dzień Dziecka” and is celebrated on June 1. It was in 1952 when the “International Children’s Day” was first introduced in Poland.  It is…

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2019 European Parliament election Posted by on May 26, 2019

European Parliament elections came to a close today! They not only determine the make-up of the next EU assembly and help decide who ends up running top European institutions but can also play back into the national politics of the bloc’s 28 member states. The European Parliament (Europejski Parlament) is the only EU institution whose…

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Are the saints to blame for the cold snap in May in Poland? Posted by on May 15, 2019

St Pancras is a member of a trio known as the Ice Saints. The others are St Servatius and St Mamertus. Their chilly collective name comes from the traditional belief that their days, 11th, 12th and 13th of May, bring cold weather and the last frost of the year. It was noted that there was…

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Horse racing history in Poland Posted by on May 6, 2019

Since Kentucky Derby just happened and my daughters absolutely love horses, I decided to get you a little bit more familiar with horse racing (wyścigi konne) in Poland. Our ancestors raced since they got on the horse, but probably not for sport, but rather hunting or in the heat of battle, when the rider’s life…

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