Alfabet – let’s have fun with Polish letters Posted by Kasia on Jan 28, 2016 in Grammar, Phrases
The polish alphabet (alfabet polski) consists of 32 letters (23 consonants and 9 vowels). Unlike other slavic languages, the polish language (język polski) uses Latin Script with additional diacritics for the special polish phonemes (such as ą and ł). A good rule to remember is that with the most Polish words, the stress lies on the second last syllable.
Here is a little alfabet poem I found! (
A – to aniołek wisi na choince,
B – to balonik co uciekł dziewczynce,
C – to cielątko na łące pod borem,
Ć – to ćmy bure latają wieczorem,
D – mały domek co ma białe ściany,
E – elementarz przez Ciebie czytany,
F – to fartuszek z falbaneczkami,
G – to gołąbek leci nad nami,
H – to huśtawka co buja się sama,
I – to jest igła którą szyje mama,
J – to jabłuszko co spadło z drzewa,
K – to twój kotek do snu poziewa,
L – to jest lalka z warkoczykami,
Ł – to jest łódka płynie z falami,
M – to miś mały w pluszowej skórze,
N – to nożyczki ostre i duże,
O – to okienko a na nim kwiatki,
P – to jest piesek bielutki w łatki,
R – to jest ryba znacie ją dzieci,
S – to jest słońce na niebie świeci,
Ś – to jest świnka śmieszna i wesoła,
T – to jest trąbka co graniem woła,
U – to ul dla pszczół w którym wre praca,
W – to jest wiatrak wiatr go obraca,
X razem z Y grzeczniutko stoi,
Z – to jest zając co psów się boi,
Ź – to źrebiątko skubie trawę młodą,
Ż – to jest żaba co mieszka nad wodą.
A – is an angel hanging on the Christmas tree.
B – is a balloon that escaped the girl,
C – is a calf in a meadow under the forest,
Ć – like grey moths fly in the evening,
D – a small cottage which has white walls,
E – ABC book you read,
F – is an apron with ruffles,
G – is a dove flying above us,
H – is a swing which swings itself,
I – is a needle that mom uses to saw,
J – is an apple that fell from the tree,
K – it’s your cat to sleep yawns,
L – is a doll with pigtails,
Ł – is a boat which floats with waves,
M – small teddy bear in a plush leather,
N – is a large and sharp scissors,
O – a window with flowers on it,
P – is a white dog with patches,
R –is a fish – you children know her,
S – is the sun that shines in the sky,
Ś –is a funny and cheerful piggy,
T – is a trumpet which calls with its playing,
U – is a beehive busy at work,
W – is a windmill and wind turns it,
X together with Y polite stands,
Z – is a rabbit who is afraid of dogs,
Ź – is a foal plucking young grass,
Ż – is a frog that lives on the water.

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About the Author: Kasia
My name is Kasia Scontsas. I grew near Lublin, Poland and moved to Warsaw to study International Business. I have passion for languages: any languages! Currently I live in New Hampshire. I enjoy skiing, kayaking, biking and paddle boarding. My husband speaks a little Polish, but our daughters are fluent in it! I wanted to make sure that they can communicate with their Polish relatives in our native language. Teaching them Polish since they were born was the best thing I could have given them! I have been writing about learning Polish language and culture for Transparent Language’s Polish Blog since 2010.