Are you ready for some fortune telling on St Andrew’s Eve in Poland? Posted by Kasia on Nov 28, 2016 in Phrases
In Poland, Andrzejki, or St. Andrew’s Eve takes place on the night of November 29th . This tradition has its roots in the past and is focused on superstitions and fortune telling. Poles who take part in Andrzejki rituals do so for fun rather than to gain insight into their futures Andrzejki fortune telling is mostly for unmarried young ladies. In the past, searching for a husband was a Polish girl’s most important task, so some St. Andrew’s Eve rituals predict which female in the household will get married next or help to describe the man they will marry.
The most common Andrzejki tradition carried on today uses hot wax (wosk) as a conduit into the spirit world. The wax must be melted and then poured through the eye of a skeleton key (or any other key) into a bowl of cool water. Once cooled, the resultant form is then held in front of a light and the shadow cast reveals the appearance of your future partner, or something about their character. While for today’s youth this glimpse into the future might only be as far-sighted as a few hours, centuries ago it was studied very closely.
Of the many games that were played on Andrzejki in the past, one that remains popular today involves a group of young girls taking off one of their shoes and lining them up one after another in a single file. The girl whose shoe is last in line then takes hers to the front, and so on, meandering through the house until reaching the front door; the girl whose shoe is the first to cross the threshold will be the first to marry!!!
Here are few different, popular Polish proverbs about Andrzejki:
Gdy święty Andrzej ze śniegiem przybieży, sto dni śnieg na polu leży.
When it snows on St. Andrew’s day, snow will stay on the ground for 100 days.
Śnieg na Andrzeja dla zboża zła nadzieja.
Snow on Andrew’s day, evil hope for grain.
Gdy w Andrzeja deszcz lub słota, w grudniu drogi bez błota.
When there is rain on St. Andres’s, in December roads will be without mud.
Święty Andrzej wróży szczęście i szybkie zamęście.
Saint Andrew bodes luck and fast getting married.
Na noc św. Andrzeja dziewkom z wróżb nadzieja.
On the St. Andrew’s night girls get hope from divination.
Dziś cień wosku ci ukaże, co ci życie niesie w darze.
Today, the shadow of wax will show you, what will life bring as a gift.
Na świętego Andrzeja błyska pannom nadzieja.
At St. Andrew’s flashes singles hope.
Której but na progu stanie – pierwsza panna na wydanie.
The shoe on the threshold – the first single lady to get married.
Jeżeli na świętego Andrzeja wiatr i mgła, to od Bożego Narodzenia będzie sroga zima
If on St. Andrew’s wind and fog, from Christmas will be severe winter
Święty Andrzej Ci ukaże, co Ci los przyniesie w darze.
Saint Andrew will show you what fate will bring you as a gift.
Nowadays Andrzejki is a fun, carefree celebration of being young and single more than anything. And that means drinking and dancing and partying! Always a big night out, especially for students (perhaps determined to forget whatever revelation they’ve just received or change their fate). A lot of student’s clubs and bars in the country will be throwing Andrzejki party. Get in the mix and see what the future holds:)
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About the Author: Kasia
My name is Kasia Scontsas. I grew near Lublin, Poland and moved to Warsaw to study International Business. I have passion for languages: any languages! Currently I live in New Hampshire. I enjoy skiing, kayaking, biking and paddle boarding. My husband speaks a little Polish, but our daughters are fluent in it! I wanted to make sure that they can communicate with their Polish relatives in our native language. Teaching them Polish since they were born was the best thing I could have given them! I have been writing about learning Polish language and culture for Transparent Language’s Polish Blog since 2010.