Archive for 'Culture'
Two Polish soups that will help you cure a hangover! Posted by Kasia on Jan 23, 2019

You know the feeling. Your limbs feel like they’re filled with slime, your head is pounding, and you’re overcome with nausea. After a long night of drinking, morning has come too soon…You probably remember nights/mornings like that from high school (well, in Europe at least, where you don’t have to be 21 to legally drink)…
Hot chocolate or cocoa in Poland? Posted by Kasia on Jan 20, 2019

There is nothing better than winter storm (like the one happening right now as I’m writing in New England!), fireplace, comfortable couch, a blanket…and of course a cup of hot chocolate:)) I love the home atmosphere and having my hot chocolate in my living room. However, there are plenty of places in the world, where…
Why will you be celebrating Sylwester, not New Year’s Eve in Poland? Posted by Kasia on Dec 31, 2018

Why Polish people ask: “Where are you going to spend Sylwester?” Well, New Year’s Eve is not commonly used expression in Polish vocabulary (I guess it would be translated as “Noc przed Nowym Rokiem”). Insted, Sylwester is a common name used to describe that night. Saint Sylvester (Święty Sylwester), a bishop of Rome who died in year…
Once upon a time…baby Jesus was born! Jasełka – Christmas Nativity Play in Poland Posted by Kasia on Dec 17, 2018

Through the centuries, each nation has built up different traditions centering around the amazing festivity of Christmas. One of the ways Poland expresses warm feelings that come with Christmas time is Jasełka (jasełko is taken from the world jasło which is synonymous with żłobek – crib). The custom originated in the 13th century when St…
Have you been good or bad? Mikołajki in Poland Posted by Kasia on Dec 6, 2018

A lot of my daughters’ friends are a little jealous that they get a visit from Santa twice!!! Yes! Twice! Every opportunity is good when it comes to gift giving…and gift receiving! Mikołajki is a different name for St Nicholas’ Day in Poland. On the night from December 5th to the 6th, Santa visits kids…
Which quotes in Polish may be just right for the situation? Posted by Kasia on Nov 29, 2018

Some days, nothing seems to go right, no matter how hard you try. If you’re having one of those days, here are Inspiring Quotes in Polish That Will Get You Through Even the Toughest Day! Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving — Życie jest jak jazda na rowerze. Żeby…
Relaxing in a Spa in Poland Posted by Kasia on Nov 22, 2018

Visiting a beauty salon, especially for women, is a pleasant way to spend a few hours. The beauty industry is so widespread; you can find a good beauty salon in any city and any country! So when you are visiting Poland, you may want to study some of the beauty salon vocabulary, before you visit a…