Polish Language Blog

Archive for 'Nature'

Have you visited Errant Rocks in Poland, also known as Błędne Skały? Posted by on Mar 25, 2017

Although they are called the Errant Rocks in English, Błędne Skały looks almost intentional. As perfectly chiseled paths lead visitors on hikes, their imaginations can run wild among the natural forms of the rocks nestled near the Table Mountains of Poland. Errant Rocks is a set of blocks of rock at a height of 853…

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How does Poland welcome Spring? Posted by on Mar 20, 2017

In every culture, where the winter is long, dark and cold, people have made a great effort to ensure that spring arrives on time; they search for signs in nature to confirm that the long awaited spring is just around the corner. In Poland , one of these signs is the return of the storks…

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February in Poland Posted by on Feb 26, 2017

The climate in Poland (klimat w Polsce) is rather changeable as it is subject to contradictory influences. Temperatures and seasons have changeable characteristics depending on the year. However certain characteristics are constant. The central areas are dryer (obszary centralne są bardziej suche), while the south is more humid (południe jest bardziej wilgotne). The winters are…

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12 months of the year in Polish Posted by on Feb 8, 2017

In today’s blog I wanted to talk about 12 months of the year in Polish. As we know, names of the months in Polish language are very unique! They sound amazing to me and I think that most of you will think the same! Just take a look: Names of the months and their meaning…

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Fall clean up in Polish – jesienne porządki Posted by on Oct 10, 2016

Fall is here in New England and it looks absolutely stunning! You can see amazing colors everywhere:) This is the view from my every day walk: Definitely my favorite time of the year. Sunny days (mostly), chilly nights, bright colors, bon fires! Love it all! Do you do a fall clean up around the house?…

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Few reasons why I love Autumn in Poland Posted by on Sep 6, 2016

Why do I love Autumn in Poland? There are many reasons! And if you live in Poland or ever visited Poland during beautiful  “złota jesień” (golden fall), you will agree with me! First of all – beautiful golden colors (no wonder it is called złota jesień)!  Different shades of gold, brown, yellow, green and red…

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How can you spend a great holiday on a Polish farm? Posted by on Apr 2, 2016

I guess I’m a perfect person to ask this question! I grew up on a big, actually huge fruit farm in Poland. Everywhere you looked, you could see fruit! Thousands of apple trees, pear and plum trees, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, and a big vegetable garden with a fence of sunflowers around it! I have to…

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