Dog your best friend – basic training vocabulary in Polish Posted by Kasia on Feb 11, 2019 in Phrases
A dog is a man’s best friend they say, and they’re absolutely right! Dogs understand our gestures, sense our feelings and respond with the most comforting of emotions.
But above all, their unconditional love for us along with a willingness to stick around till their last breath is what makes them truly special. From watching us do the craziest of things to being there on our most distressful days, they are the silent observers who know us better than everyone else.
There’s a very good reason dogs have been given the reputation of “man’s best friend”. We count on our pups to sit at our feet at dinner, bark when someone is coming to the door, and run by our sides when it’s time for a jog, but they do a lot more than that. Every day dogs are trained and hired to be members of the professional world. They have jobs too! Only as much more noble creatures than humans (generally speaking) instead of a paycheck they ask for payment in belly scratches, long walks, and extra bones.
Some common jobs for dogs are:police dogs (psy policyjne, psy służbowe), therapy dogs (psy terapeutyczne), herding dogs (psy pasterskie), search and rescue dogs (psy ratownicze), sled dogs (psy zaprzęgowe), tracking and hunting dogs (psy tropiące i myśliwskie).
Here are few basic command to train your dog in Polish:)
Aport! − fetch!
Waruj! − Lie down! / Down!
Do nogi! − Heel!
Bierz go! − Bite!
Szukaj! − Search! / Seek!
Wąchaj! − Track!
Stój! − Stay! / Stand!
Chodź! − Come!
Dobry pies! − Good dog!
Zły pies! (skarcenie) − Bad dog!
Siad! − Sit!
Leżeć! − Down!
Łapa! Daj łapę!− Shake! Give me a paw!
Daj głos! − Bark!
Czołgaj się! − Crawl!
Skacz! − Jump!
Turlaj się! − Rollover!
Zostaw! − Leave it!
Zostań! − Stay!
Do mnie! − Come! / Here!
Przeszkoda! − Jump!
Naprzód! − Go out!
Pilnuj! − Guard!
Do środka! − Go inside!
Nie ruszaj się! − Stand still!
Wyrażenia dodatkowe / Additional phrases
smycz − lead / leash
spuścić psa ze smyczy − to unleash a dog / to let a dog off the lead
obroża − collar
założyć obrożę − to put a collar on
uprząż − harness
kaganiec − muzzle
nałożyć psu kaganiec − to muzzle a dog
tor przeszkód − obstacle course
przeszkoda − obstacle
nośnik zapachowy − scent carrier
czujność − vigilance
zapach − scent
posłuszeństwo − obedience
I hope you all enjoy spending time with your four legged friends!
Woof woof!!!

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This is fabulous! Thank you so much!
This is a very good idea for an article, and one overlooked even by myself! Not only that, very well thought out. Very much appreciated.