Polish Language Blog

Gardening time! Posted by on Jun 12, 2014 in Nature, Vocabulary

Summer is here…we waited for this season very long here in New Hampshire! And what is more fun and relaxing if not gardening? How about gardening in Poland?

Image by WisDoc on Flickr.com

Image by WisDoc on Flickr.com

The tradition of gardening (tradycyjne pgrodnictwo) is long and deeply established in Poland. Gardening is seen as a way to rest (odpoczywać), relax in the fresh air (zrelaksować się na świeżym powietrzu) and spend time with family (spędzić czas z rodziną) and Polish consumers tend to take care of their own gardens and very rarely pay to have them looked after. Indeed, property owners often compete with each other with regard to the appearance of their gardens and thus spend considerable time moving the lawn, trimming hedges (przycinanie żywopłotów) or watering their grass (podlewanie swojej trawy), plant flowers and shrubs (sadzenie roślin i krzewów) . People who have less time to care about their gardens often decide only to mow their lawns and plant conifers (iglaki) and fruit trees (drzewa owocowe). Beautiful and well-kept gardens are thus increasingly the pride of property owners.

Gardening in Poland is highly fragmented, with sales being divided between a large number of companies which specialise in different areas. Leading players are mostly global manufacturers such as Husqvarna, Fiskars, Scotts and Makita, which mainly dominate within garden equipment (maszyny ogrodnicze). Domestic players are also performing well, but mostly in garden care. It should be noted that branded products are gaining sales share as consumers increasingly opt for quality and durability (jakość i trwałość) as well as service (serwis) in the case of power gardening tools.

Polish consumers are expected to spend more time in their gardens, taking care of plants or barbecuing with family and friends. Trade press and statements from DIY and gardening centre representatives indicate that consumers will spend more on attractive gardening accessories. Industry sources predict that consumers spending less on trips or holidays will spend more time at home and in the garden. As a result, the popularity of gardening as a hobby will continue to increase.

Do następnego razu… (Till next time…)

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About the Author: Kasia

My name is Kasia Scontsas. I grew near Lublin, Poland and moved to Warsaw to study International Business. I have passion for languages: any languages! Currently I live in New Hampshire. I enjoy skiing, kayaking, biking and paddle boarding. My husband speaks a little Polish, but our daughters are fluent in it! I wanted to make sure that they can communicate with their Polish relatives in our native language. Teaching them Polish since they were born was the best thing I could have given them! I have been writing about learning Polish language and culture for Transparent Language’s Polish Blog since 2010.


  1. Vivian Wright:

    I had a home for many years in the Luberon region of France, where I became enamored of the light, the food and, of course, the gardens. I now live in Florida, and when renovating, I wanted to bring a bit of Provence into my home and garden. Imagine my joy when I walked into Authentic Provence in West Palm Beach (also online at http://authenticprovence.com). The owners have sourced the most incredible French and Italian garden antiques and products: statues, fountains, planters (note especially the classic Caisse de Versailles, and Anduze pottery), terra cotta shields, stone animals, copper pots, garden spouts, and on and on. They have created an environment that took me right back to many afternoons spent in the beautiful homes and gardens of Provence. They are also very helpful in giving advice and even sourcing special items, and can arrange shipping anywhere in the USA. I highly recommend this business!