How to acquire Polish citizenship? Posted by Kasia on Nov 2, 2013 in Regulations
Some of you asked for more info on this subject. I researched a little bit and here are ways of acquiring Polish citizenship:
a) by birth to parents, at least one of whom is a Polish citizen – right of blood
A child acquires Polish citizenship by birth to parents, at least one of whom is a holder of Polish citizenship, irrespective of whether the child was born in Poland or abroad
b) by birth or being found on the territory of Poland – right of the soil
The principle applies when a child is born or found on the territory of the Republic of Poland, and both parents are unknown, or they have no citizenship. Then, the child acquires Polish citizenship by virtue of law.
c) by full adoption
A child adopted by a holder or holders of Polish citizenship acquires the citizenship, if the full adoption had been completed before the child turned 16. In this case, the child is considered as possessing Polish citizenship from the moment of his/her birth.
d) by granting Polish citizenship by the President of the Republic of Poland
The President of the Republic of Poland can grant a foreigner, at his/her request, Polish citizenship. No conditions limit the constitutional competence of the Republic of Poland; the President can grant Polish citizenship to any foreigner. Granting Polish citizenship to both parents applies to children under their custody. Granting Polish citizenship to one of the parents, applies to a minor under his/her parental custody, in the event that the other parent has no parental custody, or he/she has given consent that the minor acquires Polish citizenship. When the child has turned 16, only his/her consent is required. Persons living on the territory of Poland can apply for Polish citizenship through a Voivode competent for the place of residence of an interested party, whereas persons living abroad – through a competent consul. The application shall be submitted personally, or by mail, with an officially certified signature. Documents issued in a foreign language shall be submitted with attached translation into Polish, prepared by a sworn translator or a consul of the Republic of Poland. Polish citizenship application form shall be specified in an ordinance by the President of the Republic of Poland.
e) by recognition as a Polish citizen
Persons who can apply for Polish citizenship through recognition of citizenship are foreigners living on the territory of Poland pursuant to applicable permissions, who, in the course their many years’ residence in Poland have become integrated into the Polish society, know the Polish language, have means of support and housing, respect the Polish legal order and do not pose a threat to national defence or security. This applies in particular to refugees, stateless persons, children and spouses of Polish citizens and persons of Polish origin. Citizenship recognition proceedings shall be conducted pursuant to the rules specified in the Administrative Code. The interested party can appeal against the decision of a Voivode (acting as the first-instance authority) to the second-instance authority, the Minister of Interior. Whereas the decision of the Minister of Interior can be appealed to an administrative court. The application shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance of the Minister of Interior of 3 August, 2012 on the specimen application regarding the recognition as a Polish citizen and a photograph to be attached to the application.
According to Polish Citizenship Act, the following persons are recognized as Polish citizens:
1 ✾ a foreigner residing continuously on the territory of the Republic of Poland for at least 3 years, pursuant to an establishment permit, an EC residence permit for a long-term resident, or a permanent residence permit, having a stable and regular income within the Republic of Poland as well as a legal title to the occupied living premises;
2 ✾ a foreigner residing continuously on the territory of the Republic of Poland for at least 2 years, pursuant to an establishment permit, an EC residence permit for a long-term resident, or a permanent residence permit, being for at least 3 years married to a Polish citizen, or is a stateless person;
3 ✾ a foreigner residing continuously on the territory of the Republic of Poland for at least 2 years, pursuant to an establishment permit, obtained in relation with a refugee status, granted in the Republic of Poland;
4 ✾ a minor foreigner, whose one parent is a Polish citizen, residing on the territory of the Republic of Poland pursuant to an establishment permit, an EC residence permit for a long-term resident, or a permanent residence permit, whereas the other parent, being a non- Polish citizen, has given consent to the citizenship recognition of the minor;
5 ✾ a minor foreigner, whose at least one parent has renounced Polish citizenship, on the condition that the minor has been residing on the territory of the Republic of Poland pursuant to an establishment permission, an EC residence permit for a long-term resident, or a permanent residence permit whereas the second parent, being a non-Polish citizen, has given consent to the citizenship recognition of the minor;
6 ✾ a foreigner residing continuously and legally on the territory of the Republic of Poland for at least 10 years, who fulfils jointly the following conditions: is a holder of an establishment permit, an EC residence permit for a long-term resident, or a permanent residence permit, and has a stable and regular income within the Republic of Poland as well as a legal title to the occupied living premises;
7 ✾ a foreigner residing continuously on the territory of the Republic of Poland for at least 2 years, pursuant to an establishment permit, which he was granted in relation with his/her Polish origin.
Foreigner (with the exceptions of points 4 and 5 above, i. e. minors whose one parent already has Polish citizenship) applying for recognition as a Polish citizen, should have officially confirmed knowledge the Polish language.
Do następnego razu… (Till next time…)

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About the Author: Kasia
My name is Kasia Scontsas. I grew near Lublin, Poland and moved to Warsaw to study International Business. I have passion for languages: any languages! Currently I live in New Hampshire. I enjoy skiing, kayaking, biking and paddle boarding. My husband speaks a little Polish, but our daughters are fluent in it! I wanted to make sure that they can communicate with their Polish relatives in our native language. Teaching them Polish since they were born was the best thing I could have given them! I have been writing about learning Polish language and culture for Transparent Language’s Polish Blog since 2010.
Not so easy. I tried to get Polish citizenship and was turned down because my parents left Poland before 1917. Both were born in Poland during the partition. One of my fathers sisters remained in Poland and died there after 1917, when Poland was again independent.
I was allowed to buy land in Poland and built a house there but was still not granted citizenship. I had a karta pobyta but it expired and I had to return to the USA.
Seems the only way is to live there for the years required which I was told was 5 years. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.