Polish Language Blog

How to describe your health in Polish Posted by on Mar 15, 2017 in Grammar

Traveling is so much fun! Visiting family and friends, learning about new country, seeking adventures – all sounds great. And we are hoping that everything will go well. But what if all of the sudden you don’t feel good?

Getting sick can put a damper on any vacation, but it can be especially unsettling and even scary when it happens in another country. The majority of minor health issues that international travelers contend with can easily be self-treated with a good first-aid kit. If you twist your ankle, develop heat rash or have another not-so-serious situation where you need to see a doctor, don’t hesitate to use local care.

Now, if you do have to visit a local doctor, chances are you can speak English to describe your symptoms. But what if it is not the case?

Below I put together a list of different phrases you may want to ask or may be asked at the doctor’s office in Poland. Enjoy!

I’d like to see a doctor – chciałbym porozmawiać z lekarzem

do you have an appointment? – był pan/ była pani umówiony/umówiona na wizytę?

have you got a European Health Insurance card? – czy ma pan/pani Europejską Kartę Ubezpieczenia Zdrowotnego?

please take a seat – proszę usiąść

the doctor’s ready to see you now – może pan/pani już wejść do gabinetu

what are your symptoms? – jakie ma pan objawy?

I’ve got a … – mam …
temperature  – temperaturę
sore throat  – ból gardła
headache  – ból głowy
rash – wysypkę

I’ve been having headaches – ostatnio miałem bóle głowy

I’ve got diarrhea – mam rozwolnienie

I’m constipated – mam zatwardzenie

I’ve got a lump – mam guzek

I’ve got a swollen ankle – mam spuchniętą kostkę

I’ve got a pain in my chest – boli mnie klatka piersiowa

I’m … – jestem …
asthmatic – astmatykiem
diabetic – cukrzykiem
epileptic – epileptykiem

I’m having difficulty breathing – mam trudności z oddychaniem

I’ve been feeling depressed – od jakiegoś czasu czuję się przygnębiony/w depresji

I’m allergic to antibiotics – jestem uczulony na antybiotyki

are you on any sort of medication? – czy bierze pan/pani obecnie jakieś lekarstwa?

where does it hurt? – w którym miejscu boli?

does it hurt when I press here? – czy boli jak tu naciskam?

I’m going to take your …-  zmierzę panu/pani …
blood pressure – ciśnienie krwi
temperature –  temperaturę
pulse – puls

could you roll up your sleeve? – czy może pan podwinąć rękaw?

your blood pressure’s … –  pan/pania ciśnienie jest …
quite low – dosyć niskie
normal – w normie
rather high – dosyć wysokie
very high – bardzo wysokie

open your mouth, please – proszę otworzyć buzię

cough, please – proszę zakasłać

you’re going to need a few stitches – będzie pan musiał mieć założonych kilka szwów

we need to take a … – musimy pobrać …
urine sample – próbkę moczu
blood sample – próbkę krwi

I’m going to prescribe you some antibiotics – przepiszę panu antybiotyki

take two of these pills three times a day – proszę brać dwie tabletki trzy razy dziennie

do you smoke? – czy pan/pani pali?


I really hope you will not need to use any of these phrases when visiting Poland! Stay healthy and enjoy your trip:)


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About the Author: Kasia

My name is Kasia Scontsas. I grew near Lublin, Poland and moved to Warsaw to study International Business. I have passion for languages: any languages! Currently I live in New Hampshire. I enjoy skiing, kayaking, biking and paddle boarding. My husband speaks a little Polish, but our daughters are fluent in it! I wanted to make sure that they can communicate with their Polish relatives in our native language. Teaching them Polish since they were born was the best thing I could have given them! I have been writing about learning Polish language and culture for Transparent Language’s Polish Blog since 2010.