Polish Language Blog

Jan Brzechwa “Listopad” in Polish and English Posted by on Oct 28, 2016 in Phrases

November is just around the corner! Many Polish poets wrote beautiful poems about  this month. Jan Brzechwa is one of my favorites and today I have his poem “Listopad” for you 🙂



Jan Brzechwa


Złote, żółte i czerwone

opadają liście z drzew,

zwiędłe liście w obcą stronę

pozanosił wiatru wiew.

Gold, yellow and red

 leaves are falling from the trees,

dead leaves in the foreign site

moved breath of the wind.

Nasza chata niebogata,

wiatr przewiewa ją na wskroś,

i przelata i kołata,

jakby do drzwi pukał ktoś.

Our cottage not rich,

wind whiff of it throughout,

and goes through and makes noise,

if someone was knocking on the door.

W mokrych cieniach listopada

może ktoś zabłąkał się?

Nie, to tylko pies ujada.

Pomyśl także i o psie.

In wet shadows in November

maybe someone got lost?

No, it’s just a dog barks.

Think also about the dog.

Strach na wróble wiatru słucha,

sam się boi biedny strach,

dmucha plucha-zawierucha,

całe szyby stoją w łzach.

Scarecrow  listens to the wind

he is afraid himself,

slob-blown turmoil,

all windows stand in tears.

Jakiś wątły wóz na szosie

ugrzązł w błocie aż po oś,

skrzypią, jęczą w deszczu osie,

jakby właśnie płakał ktoś.

A frail car on the highway

stuck in the mud up to the axle,

axles creak, they groan in the rain,

as if someone was crying.

Mgły na polach, ciemność w lesie,

drga jesieni smutny ton,

przyjdzie wieczór i przyniesie

sny i mgły, i stada wron.

Mists in the fields, in the darkness of the forest,

twitches autumn a sad tone,

evening will come and bring

dreams and fog, and a flock of crows.

Wyjść się nie chce spod kożucha,

blady promyk światła zgasł,

dmucha plucha-zawierucha,

zimno, ciemno, spać już czas.

You don’t want to get out of your coat,

pale glimmer of light faded,

slob-blown turmoil,

cold, dark, it’s time to sleep.

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About the Author: Kasia

My name is Kasia Scontsas. I grew near Lublin, Poland and moved to Warsaw to study International Business. I have passion for languages: any languages! Currently I live in New Hampshire. I enjoy skiing, kayaking, biking and paddle boarding. My husband speaks a little Polish, but our daughters are fluent in it! I wanted to make sure that they can communicate with their Polish relatives in our native language. Teaching them Polish since they were born was the best thing I could have given them! I have been writing about learning Polish language and culture for Transparent Language’s Polish Blog since 2010.


  1. Casimir Marion Petrowski:

    I love Fall weather and the poet made me feel and visualize the season as we are having Summer in Fall this year .

    • Kasia:

      @Casimir Marion Petrowski Casimir, I agree with you! And here in New Hampshire it definitely felt like we were having Summer in Fall this year:)