Polish Language Blog

Natural environment and pollution – how to describe it in Polish Posted by on Jul 31, 2018 in Nature

Pollution can take many forms: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil we use to grow our food, the lit-up skies and even the increasing noise we hear every day can all contribute to health problems and a lower quality of life with major disruptions and effects on wildlife and ecosystems.

Of all living things, humans have the most impact on their environment. They change their habitat to suit their needs, more so than most other species. When a growing population finds there are fewer resources than before, it responds by expanding cities and farmland, throwing the natural environment off balance. Many human activities that relate to agriculture, transportation, and industry create different kinds of pollution. Whether they are released into the water, the air, or the ground, pollutants waste no time spreading throughout an ecosystem. The planet’s health and future depend on the willingness not just of individuals, but governments around the world, to fight the causes of pollution and to work hand in hand to prevent it.

Nature. Image courtesy pixabay.com

The list below may help you describe natural environment and pollution problems in Polish language.

environment protection/conservation – ochrona środowiska

environmentally friendly – przyjazny dla środowiska

to protect/to conserve the environment – chronić, ochraniać środowisko

rubbish/litter – śmiecie, odpadki

a rubbish dump –wysypisko śmieci

to dumpthe rubbish – wyrzucać śmieci

a landfill (site) – wysypisko śmieci

industrial/nuclear waste – odpady przemysłowe/nuklearne

household waste – śmiecie z gospodarstw domowych

to dispose of waste – usuwać odpady

to sort out rubbish – segregować śmieci

to recycle – regenerować surowce

recycled products – produkty otrzymywane w wyniku wtórnego przetworzenia

to contaminate – zanieczyszczać, skażać

contaminated water – skażona woda

contaminated air – skażone powietrze

to pollute – zanieczyszczać

pollution – zanieczyszczenie

apidly growing pollution of industrial areas – gwałtownie rosnące zanieczyszczenie obszarów przemysłowych

a rapid rise/increase in the number of cars on the roads – gwałtowny wzrost samochodów na drogach

the number of cars on the roads is rising/increasing considerably – liczba aut na drogach znacznie wzrasta
traffic jams – zatory/korki na drogach

to produce fumes – wytwarzać spaliny

to release sewage into rivers – wypuszczać ścieki do rzeki

a sewage treatment plant – oczyszczalnia ścieków

natural resources are running out – zasoby naturalne się wyczerpują

alternative sources of energy – alternatywne źródła energii

renewable energy – energia odnawialna

a wind farm – elektrownia wiatrowa

rainforest – las deszczowy, tropikalny

deforestation – wycinanie lasu

acid rain – kwaśny deszcz

the greenhouse effect – efekt cieplarniany

global warming – globalne ocieplenie

carbon dioxide – dwutlenek węgla

methane – metan

nitrous oxide – tlenek azotu

to cause a gradual rise in the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere – powodować stopniowy wzrost temperatury atmosfery ziemskiej

to cause damage to the ozone layer – uszkadzać warstwę ozonową

to reduce the use of aerosols – ograniczyć używanie aerozoli

endangered species – zagrożone gatunki

extinct – wymarły

habitat – naturalne środowisko

a wildlife sanctuary/nature reserve – rezerwat przyrody

to protect wildlife – ochraniać przyrodę

to have a harmful influence/effect on – wywierać szkodliwy wpływ na

to upset ecological balance – zaburzać równowagę ekologiczną

steps must be taken to prevent environmental doom – należy podjąć kroki aby uniknąć zagłady środowiska

possible solutions to the problem might lie in – możliwe rozwiązania tego problemu mogą polegać na

enforcing the law – egzekwowanie prawa

increasing environmental awareness – uświadamianie zagrożeń środowiska

ntroducing stricter laws and harsher punishments – wprowadzanie surowszych przepisów i ostrzejszych kar

educing the emissions of gases into the atmosphere – zmniejszenie ilości gazów wpuszczanych do atmosfery

using bicycles instead of cars – korzystanie z rowerów zamiast z samochodów

using alternative sources of energy – wykorzystywanie alternatywnych źródeł energii


Check out this article about different ways to protect environment.

Pollution. Image courtesy pixabay.com

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About the Author: Kasia

My name is Kasia Scontsas. I grew near Lublin, Poland and moved to Warsaw to study International Business. I have passion for languages: any languages! Currently I live in New Hampshire. I enjoy skiing, kayaking, biking and paddle boarding. My husband speaks a little Polish, but our daughters are fluent in it! I wanted to make sure that they can communicate with their Polish relatives in our native language. Teaching them Polish since they were born was the best thing I could have given them! I have been writing about learning Polish language and culture for Transparent Language’s Polish Blog since 2010.