I had no idea there were that many fans of Polish soaps out there. One of them (fans, not soaps, naturally) turned out to be even my own dad. And then when Barb admitted her polskie seriale addiction, more and more fans started to come out of the woodwork. Some, who emailed me privately, wanted me to keep their identities private. Sure thing. No worries. Your secret is safe with me, even though you lot prefer “Klan” to “Plebania“. LOL!
And on the other hand, I got emails from people who thought that Polish soaps are simply dreadful and a total waste of time. And guess, what? I agree with you, too! They are dreadful. They’re closer in style, content and tackiness levels to Latin American telenovelas than to American soaps. But you know what? Most Poles I know simply adore South American telenovelas, even if they would never admit to it in public. Does “W Kamiennym Kręgu” ring a bell? Or “Niewolnica Isaura”?
So, you can be 100% certain that Polish daytime drama productions of today are indeed worthy followers of the best Latin American soap traditions.
Like I said before, I’m a fan of “Plebania”. Why “Plebania” and not “Klan” for example? Dunno. I guess I like nuns. And “Plebania” is so pedestrian it speaks to my most basic sensibilities – of sitting on my bum in front of the TV and switching off my brain for 30 minutes a day. Pure bliss, I tell ya! It also helps that most of those young priests are easy on the eyes.

But what does “plebania” mean in the first place? I think that different Christian denominations have their own words for it. But basically, it’s the building where priests live. And I think when it comes to Roman Catholic priests, this building is called a rectory.
So yeah, there’s a Polish soap that’s, among many other things, also about priests (and some of them are even hunky). But actually, “Plebania” has just about everything. The only thing that’s missing so far are visitors from outer space and a guest appearance by Niewolnica Isaura. But just give it a few more years… Seriously.
Too bad that the series’ official website is only in Polish.
Image courtesy of the Plebania‘s Official Website. Link above.
Here’s a joke for you that involves a “plebania”…
Some storks are on their migratory flight back south for the winter — toward Cape Town or Jo’burg perhaps? And they’re having a little chat.
Stork 1: “So… what did you do all summer?”
Stork 2: “Ah, tak! Well, I’m tired! I circled around and around, over Gorzyński’s house, ever since about March. Six months.”
Stork 1: “And?”
Stork 2: “Yup. They had a baby a few weeks ago!”
Stork 1: “Aha. Great job! And you?”
Stork 3: “Mmmm. Me? Well, I circled over Szczepanek’s house. Only five months. But still.”
Stork 1: “And?”
Stork 3: “Yup. Another baby. A little boy!”
Stork 1: “Excellent. And what about you?”
Stork 4: “Me? Ah, well. I circled endlessly over the priest’s house for the whole summer.”
Storks 1, 2 and 3: “WHAT? What HAPPENED? A baby?”
Stork 4: “No. But they were sooooooo afraid!”
Niewolnica Isaura, haha! It’s not from my time, though. I was born some years after its success. Maybe it’s one the most exported brazilian products.
Telenovelas still are very very popular here in Brazil. 😛
Great joke expateek! 🙂
Hi! I thought i would add to the discussion of where a priest lives.
An Anglican (Church of England) priest – lives in a rectory. A Catholic Priest lives in a presbytery.
The difference is because a Rectory is where the Vicar (or Rector) lives and a Presbytory was originally a part of the RC church appropriated for the priest. I think that although the presbytry is the priests home it’s not really because he may have to move at any time where as a Vicar generally stays in the same parish so it is his (or hers) and his (or hers) family home. There is probably more detail to it than that but i’m not an expert.
Also – i wish i was at a stage where i could understand the soaps!
Mary, just listen to the soaps and try to catch words if you catch a few each time you will progress
kunal sinha:
can anyone please send me website adress to download some tutorial book to learn polish. i would be grateful. please send it to my email adress simrik21@hotmail.com
I have been searching my satellite for TVP1 in order to accesss the Polish serials. Unfortunately the station is scrambled. How do others acces the channel? Is it possible to obtain a “cheap” satellite card. I have googled but the cards I have found are prohibativley expensive.
Hi George!
You forgot to write where you want to wach TVP1. If you are in Europe, Middle East or North Africa you are in the catchment area of the Hot Bird satellite and will be able to watch TVP1. But if you live in the Americas, Australia, Asia or Africa you won’t get TVP1.
The best option to get TVP1 in another country is to use the prepaid option from N namely the “Telewizja na kartę” http://telewizjanakarte.pl/
If you buy their box and card you can watch TVP1, TVP2, TVN and TVN7 for free (plus a handful of fta channels: Puls, TV Silesia, TV Biznes, 4funtv, Viva, TVP Polonia, TVP Kultura etc.).
If you decide to pre-pay and top up your card you can also watch TVN24, Nsport, TVNTurbo, TVNStyle, TVPInfo, TVPSport and TVN CNBC.
Thank you for your fast response. I am base in the UK and can therefore receive signals from the hotbird satellite.
I already have a technomate 6900 super receiver with motorised dish that accesses hotbird. Is it possible to just buy a card to receive TVP1?