Polish Language Blog

Pretend campfire and paper marshmallows Posted by on Apr 26, 2012 in Phrases

Believe it or not, children can have fun without watching TV. Take out some sleeping bags and let the kids pretend to camp out in the middle of your living room or on the deck with their dolls! They will enjoy building this imaginary campfire and pretending to roast marshmallows. Later they may tell each other stories, pretend to hear nocturnal animals lurking about, and imagine they are falling asleep under the stars.

I wanted to show you how to make a little “pretend campfire” (udawane ognisko).

Potrzebne nam będą kamienie (kilka kamieni, wystarczająco żeby utworzyć okrąg) – We will need the stones (a few stones, enough to form a circle)

Oprócz tego patyki i małe patyczki, – In addition, the twigs and small sticks

suche liście – dry leaves

biała kartka papieruwhite paper


nożyczki – scissors

brązowa paierowa torbabrown paper bag

oraz pianka artystyczna w kolorze żółtym – and foam art in yellow

Układamy okrąg z kamieniwe make a circle out of stones

Żeby wypełnić ognisko możemy powrzucać suche liście, połamać patyczki – To complete the fireplace we throw in dry leaves and brake some sticks

Żeby zrobić ogniki, piankę przylepną składamy na pół i wycinamy różne kształty – To make the sparks of fire, we fold adhesive foam in half and cut out different shapes

Do ogniska potrzebne nam są marshmallows, po polsku nazywane ptasim mleczkiem – To the fire we need marshmallows, in Polish called “ptasie mleczko”

Potrzebne nam są patykiwe need sticks

Z białej kartki papieru wycinamy paski  – we cut the strips from the white paper

Zawijamy je dookoła patyka, używamy kleju żeby przykleić papier do patykawrap it around a stick, use glue to stick the paper to stick

Dodajemy kolejne warstwy papieru aż uzyskamy rozmiar taki jaki chcemywe add additional layers of paper until we have the size we want to

Brązową papierową torbę rwiemy na kawałki i wrzucamy do ogniskatear brown paper bag to pieces and throw into the fire

W ten sposób mamy malutkie ognisko dla dzieci gotowe! We have little camp fire ready for kids!

Do następnego razu… (Till next time…)

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About the Author: Kasia

My name is Kasia Scontsas. I grew near Lublin, Poland and moved to Warsaw to study International Business. I have passion for languages: any languages! Currently I live in New Hampshire. I enjoy skiing, kayaking, biking and paddle boarding. My husband speaks a little Polish, but our daughters are fluent in it! I wanted to make sure that they can communicate with their Polish relatives in our native language. Teaching them Polish since they were born was the best thing I could have given them! I have been writing about learning Polish language and culture for Transparent Language’s Polish Blog since 2010.