Authorities have launched an inquiry into the case of two Asian tourists who are alleged to have made offensive gestures (obraźliwe gesty) promoting fascism (faszyzm) at Auschwitz recently.
The incident (incydent) took place at the beginning of May and involves two men at the ‘Arbeit Macht Frei’ entrance gate who are believed to have made the Nazi salute (hitlerowskie pozdrowieniu) and “insulted the memorial space” (“znieważyli przestrzeń pamiątkową”).
The guards monitoring the security cameras noticed the two Asian men and noted down their personal details.
Not long after the incident occurred, security guards notified the police (policja) and the video footage has been saved to help with the investigation (śledztwo, dochodzenie).
So far the authorities have not yet been able to speak to the two tourists, but will now decide whether their actions can be considered as promoting fascism.
The promotion of fascism in Poland in punishable by up to two years behind bars and insulting the memory of victims, by either a fine or restraining order.
Do następnego razu… (Till next time…)
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