At last!
I know you’ve been asking about pronunciation, and I know you’ve been requesting phonetic equivalents for all the Polish words I’m introducing in each post.
The problem with phonetic approximations is that if we use English sounds, then for those readers who are not native English speakers, such examples will not make much sense. Also, how would we transcribe such gems as ś ń ć or ę and ą? Those sounds simply don’t exist in the English language.
The only other option would be to use those real phonetic symbols. You know, those you see in foreign dictionaries. The little scribbles in square brackets that require an advanced degree in linguistics to pronounce them correctly. Yeah, those! I don’t know about you, but I just tend to zone out when I see them.
So I thought the easiest would be to simply give you the correct pronunciation, you can listen to it, and then transcribe it any way you want. Sounds good? I hope so!
Here is how it works:
All multi-word phrases are said twice. First I do it slowly, saying each word separately, and then follow by a normal speed version.
All single words are only said once.
And please, no laughing at my robotic voice!
So, here we go. These are the greetings from the previous post:
If it works well for you, please let me know, and I will start attaching voice files to all posts!
PS. OK, so it seems you guys like it, and I started going back and adding audio to all the previous posts, too. But please, give me some time to do them all. Thanks!
the voice files work very well:-) Very nice voice, Ania! Your enunciation is very clear and very good. I suppose prof. Miodek would be proud to listen to you! ;p
Congratulations on your initiation into using podcasts!:)
(only your ‘ć’ in ‘co slychać?’ sounds softer, more English – very cute, indeed)
Hi Grazyna!
I did that “ć” soft on purpose to distinguish it from “ci”!
Breton Kania:
The voice files are fantastic! Thanks so much, that really helps as I’m an absolute beginner!
I luv yr ‘ć’, Ania, very much[‘ć’]!
This is a brilliant idea. I’ve really got a lot out of it. Will you be able to go through past posts and add the voice files to those words etc as well? Or maybe do one fresh post with all the past words in one?
Thank you this really does help a great deal.
Paul Starks:
The voice files are great, keep up the good work, it helps me out alot thank you!
Hi Paul and Liz!
I think I will go back and add the voice files one by one when I have time – less confusion than if I do a new post with a whole bunch of words that new readers don’t recognize.

And I’m glad to hear that you like the audio files idea!
John H:
Many thanks for your Polish Blog. It’s incredibly useful. The mixture of language, food, culture, history etc is perfect. My wife and I have just got back from two weeks hiking, cycling and kayaking in the national parks in north-east Poland, staying in small guest-houses, followed by a few days recuperating in Warsaw. We made use of most of the Polish language that we know (I’ve been studying on and off for about 18 months) and learnt more while we were there, we tried as many local delicacies as possible (I don’t understand why Polish food is so unknown here, what we had was great), and we have read about some of the history of Poland. Even so, every Polish Blog contains something new for us. Fantastic – please keep it up.
The audio is useful too – even this first audio blog highlighted a couple of words that I have become lazy in the way I have been saying them. One question though – can you give any guidance on how to “roll” the letter R. My wife (who is not English) does it naturally, but my Cockney upbringing means it isn’t natural for me and any help would be very gratefully received.
Dzien dobory,Anna
I like the voice very much.It helps me get to know the sound of each word.
I listen and then I say it.Helps a lot.
I am a beginner,know very little Polish.
My Grandparents came to the USA from Poland.
They spoke Polish however my Father never spolish in my family,I really want to know and speak the language.
Having it in voice is wonderful.Please attch voice file withall posts.
Your voice sounds really nice and very clear.
Thank You
Anna ,
I enjoy every post.
Read them for hours.Hoping to gain in my Polish,speaking.
thank You ever so much for these wonderful posts.
Hello John,
And welcome to the blog! Ah, the rrrrolling rrrrrs! Yes, I can see how that might be a problem. How about pretending you’re from Scotland? Or speaking French? Even if you over-roll your r in the beginning, you will soon find that happy medium where it sounds rolled enough and doesn’t make you choke when you do it. I hope that my audio samples can help you with it!
Hi Patricia and thank you for your nice comments!
I’ll do my best to help you with your Polish skills. If you have any specific questions about the language, please ask. I’ll be happy to answer!
Dear Anna,
You give very important information.
Really helping.
Listening and saying is important to me.
I read the word however I have to her how it sounds.
The alphabet would be good and hearing sound would be even better.
Thank you for all your time spent in reading coments.
Have a good day.
Dear Anna,
You give very important information.
Really helping.
Listening and saying is important to me.
I read the word, however I have to hear how the letter sounds.
The alphabet would be good hearing each letter sound would be even better.
Thank you for all your time, spent in reading comments.
Have a good day.
yes please attach audio files with all the posts that would be so amazingly beautiful – thanks for all this it is great
I am in need of knowing how to pronounce the Polish last name:
Can you help me?
I would very much appreciate it.
michelle koszewski:
Can you tell me how to pronounce the surname
“wawrzynkiewicz” ?
if you could show me phonetically that would be great!~
that’s a tough name send me your email address and I will send you a sound file with the name pronounced. my email address is
Ann Very well done, you pronunciations are excellent — like a native speaker.
tim tra pavlick:
we are just starting to learn polish and it is so good to hear it some one speak it to you so you no it sounds right many thanks jen koo yeah
It sounds a bit strange .. I mean it does sound like a native speaker but something feels off …
“co slychaaac” instead of the way we speak ( warmia i mazury) which would be “co slychac” …