Quotes to help brighten up your day in Polish! Posted by Kasia on Mar 31, 2019 in Phrases, Vocabulary
Things in life happen unexpectedly, we constantly face ups and downs. When life gets a little difficult or hard to bear, it’s comforting to know that there are still ways that can brighten up our day. Reading a positive quote (pozytywny cytat) is one of these methods. When you start your day with positive thoughts (pozytywne myśli), you aim your habits and conversations in that direction. If you’re dealing with a challenging time, these quotes and sayings will help you to think about things better – keep a more open minded perspective and be less tough on yourself.
Optimistic quotes are everywhere. Motivational quotation posters are often plastered at school and office halls. Positive quotes have been thoroughly studied and researched by the experts over the years. Through studies, physiologists have learned that people who read a positive quote daily have had a positive outlook in life.
Here you go:
Once you choose hope, anything is possible – Gdy wybierzesz nadzieję, wszystko jest możliwe (Christopher Reeve)
The best way to predict the future is to create it – Najlepszym sposobem na przewidzenie przyszłości jest jej stworzenie (Abraham Lincoln)
Not all those who wander are lost. — Nie wszyscy ci, którzy błądzą, są zgubieni (J. R. R. Tolkien)
What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. — Co nas nie zabije, to nas wzmocni. (Friedrich Nietzsche)
When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. —
Kiedy czegoś gorąco pragniesz cały wszechświat sprzyja potajemnie twojemu pragnieniu. (Paulo Coelho)
One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving. — Kocha się za nic. Nie istnieje żaden powód do miłości. (Paulo Coelho)
Eighty percent of success is showing up. — Osiemdziesiąt procent sukcesu to obecność. (Woody Allen)
Energy and persistence conquer all things. — Energia i wytrwałość zwycięży wszystko.
(Benjamin Franklin)
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find. — Proście, a będzie wam dane, szukajcie, a znajdziecie. (Bible)
That’s one small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind. — To mały krok dla człowieka, wielki krok dla ludzkości (Neil Armstrong)
I would love to hear your favorite positive quote:) Please share it with us in comments below (in both English and Polish if you can).

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Jim Rogerson:
Our children are our ‘flesh and blood,’
But our good deeds are also our children.