It shouldn’t be any big surprise that social media is a huge part of our daily lives. It has certainly changed the way we communicate with those around us, how we get news that is important to us and even how we learn. The popularity of social medias has no doubt had a major impact on our culture and how many view the world.

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Did you know that recent statistics reveal that Internet users spend an average of 3 hours a day on social media? What is everyone looking at? Apparently just about everything imaginable! From breaking news to how we shop and even who we vote for in political elections, social media is changing the world as we know it.
Here are some common social media terms in Polish:
social media – media społecznościowe
to follow – śledzić, pójść za kimś lub czymś
to share – dzielić, dzielić z kimś
platform – platforma
to leave a comment – zostawić komentarz
to like – lubić
to post something – opublikować coś, umieścić coś
to respond to a comment – odpowiedzieć na komentarz
traffic – ruch
to write something on somebody’s wall – napisać coś na czyjejś ścianie
blog – blog
to chat – pogadać
news feed – aktualne informacje
Happy socializing!
Do następnego razu… (Till next time…)
teste agora:
Depois que eu originalmente deixou um comentario I parecem ter clicado
em o -notify me quando novos comentarios sao checkbox acrescentado
e de agora em diante cada vez que um comentario e adicionado recebo 4 com exatamente o mesmo
comentarios. Tem que haver uma maneira voce pode -me de que o servico?
Gracas !