Tag Archives: cooking
How many of you have tried kaszanka: Polish blood sausage? Posted by Kasia on Apr 16, 2021

Every time I mention kaszanka/blood sausage to my friends…everyone just makes this horrible face…Well, people here in USA are not exactly used to eating blood sausage. Unless you grew up in Poland! Even though there are different regional varieties of this famous Polish delicacy, it typically consists of pork offal (podroby wieprzowe), animal’s blood (krew…
Not so Miserable Mizeria Posted by Anna on Aug 23, 2009
I was talking about my favorite Polish dishes the other day, and while all I could think of was “yummy” and “I’m so hungry right now”, the comment my friend made was “that name sounds absolutely miserable.” Of course, she was referring to “mizeria”, which is definitely, hands down my most favorite Polish thing to…
I’m Hungry, Let’s Make Bigos Posted by Anna on Jan 31, 2009
I’m cold and I’m hungry and that’s always a very bad combination. And I’m not in the mood to write about grammar today. So, let’s talk about food instead. I found half a cabbage in the fridge (leftover from making okonomiyaki the other night) and I’ve been thinking what to do with it. I hardly…
Polish in the Kitchen Posted by Anna on Nov 22, 2008
Last week I went food shopping with my dad. We went to one of the Carrefours in Gdańsk. Don’t ask me which one, I don’t know, I have absolutely no sense of direction. Anyway, while walking around that Carrefour and looking for balsamic vinegar (ocet balsamiczny), I ended up in their “foreign foods” section. And…