Polish Language Blog

Tag Archives: idioms

Useful Expressions – Spoko, spoko Posted by on Nov 14, 2009

A friend asked me a very theoretical question, and it went more or less like this: “OK, let’s say that, theoretically of course, I am going to be visiting Poland around Christmas, or at the very least – Greenpoint. What Polish words would I hear most frequently?” “Oh, you mean like the k-word?” was my…

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Nobody Knows Anything Posted by on Feb 21, 2009

Yesterday (Friday) morning we were slowly making our way towards Port Lotniczy im. Lecha Wałęsy aka the airport in Gdańsk. Slowly, because whenever we were there early and on time, my flight was always late. So, no need to hurry. When we got closer to the airport we could see that something was not right…

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Stary Piernik and Other Expressions, part 1 Posted by on Nov 8, 2008

John H. came up with an excellent suggestion for a blog post and I gotta say that neither I nor my friends have ever had so much fun gathering material and doing “linguistic” research. Some of those expressions – I even forgot they existed. Like “stary piernik” for example. When translated literally, it becomes “old…

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