Why is Polish golden autumn so beautiful? Posted by Kasia on Oct 2, 2013 in Nature
You probably heard about Polish Golden autumn…It is beautiful…Although after living in the White Mountains, New Hampshire for the last few years, I have to say it is amazing here as well:)
Golden Polish autumn, (Złota Polska Jesień) – that’s the phrase commonly used to describe this season. Summer is gone, the winter is approaching but the weather is great and it is time to celebrate and ejoy the colors. The trees are golden and rusty.
Polish autumn starts really in September; on September 1st the sun rises around 4.46 a.m. and goes down around 6.24 p.m. a day lasts for about 13 and half an hour. On September 30th sun rises around 5.35 a.m. and sets down around 5.35 p.m. During this month a day’s length shortens by over 1.5 hour. On the 23rd of this month the number of day and night hours equal and this date is considered to be the first day of the calendar autumn/fall.
The first autumn month, September, is usually beautiful, sunny and warm I Poland. Sun shines bright, but rays at a different angle and so that it is not as hot as in June and July. The nights become colder and at the end of the month it is not that rare to experience early morning slight ground frost. The average monthly temperature is around 11,5°C in Olecko to 14,4°C in Tarnów. In Warsaw it is 13,3 °C, in Poznań 13,9 °C, in Wrocław 13,5 °C. In the mountains, where in upper parts snowfalls are possibile, the average temperature in Zakopane is 10,5°C; on Śnieżka it peaks at only 5 °C.
The sum of precipitation in September is clearly lower than in August. It is especially well noticed in the mountains. September is called in Polish phonology “the early autumn” and it is a fruit bearing season. Seeds and fruits of various trees and bushes ripe; mushroom are still plentiful in forests. At the end of the month leaves start to change color. Rich green receives hints of yellowish and reddish colors. Fields become more and more deserted.
In the world of animals more often preparations for winter season may be seen. The rest of brooding and raptor birds fly away. Herbivorous insects usually cease their vegetational period. Some rodents such as squirrels and hamsters begin to prepare stocks for winter. On forest meadows deer perform their ruttings.
In October some plants such as ivy and heather might still bloom. Numerous trees and bushes end their fruit season. Oak trees loose their ripe acorns. During this month a total change of colors takes place. Only coniferous trees retain their green color, other than that, the green disappears and gives place to bronze, red and yellow tones which create unique autumn aura of beautiful “Polish golden autumn”, especially during sunny weather. The period of leaves’ fall is prolonged in time, as different species loose their leaves at different times. Life in water also becomes still, as more and more often ground frosts cover the water surface of smaller reservoirs with thin layer of ice.
November is the last month of the Polish autumn; it is definitely colder and more humid than e.g September. Fauna and flora period of vegetation is almost totally ended. On “late” bushes and trees, such as pines, junipers, spruces last seeds ripe; few trees carry leaves, and there are usually dried and brownish. Field works cease. The last bird – the skylark – leaves Poland for warmer countries. All nature in the middle of the month is usually prepared for the winter season. No flying insects can be seen; however, snowfalls and heavy frosts at the end of the month are not seldom to be seen.
So, as you see,Polish autumn is truly beautiful and if you have a chance to visit during any of the fall months – do it!
Do następnego razu… (Till next time…)

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About the Author: Kasia
My name is Kasia Scontsas. I grew near Lublin, Poland and moved to Warsaw to study International Business. I have passion for languages: any languages! Currently I live in New Hampshire. I enjoy skiing, kayaking, biking and paddle boarding. My husband speaks a little Polish, but our daughters are fluent in it! I wanted to make sure that they can communicate with their Polish relatives in our native language. Teaching them Polish since they were born was the best thing I could have given them! I have been writing about learning Polish language and culture for Transparent Language’s Polish Blog since 2010.
Joy @MyTravelingJoys:
I have loving the Polish autumn here in Warsaw right now! The parks are so beautiful! When it’s not foggy, I grab my camera and take as many photos of I can of the colorful trees! 🙂