Brazilian singer “Falcão”
We gotta love slang right? Some slang words go and some stay so today I’m going to teach you 5 slang words that everybody knows and uses (and it’s also safe to use them because they’re not bad words).
Estão prontos?
01. À beça, pra caramba – a lot
Nossa, hoje tá quente à beça / pra caramba. – Man, it’s so hot today.
Tinha gente à beça / pra caramba na praia. – There were a lot of people at the beach.
“Você gostou do filme?” “Pra caramba!” – “Did you like the movie?” “A lot!”
02. Bulhufas, patavinas, nadica de nada – nothing at all
Não entendi bulhufas do que ele falou. – I didn’t understand a word of what he said.
Estudava matemática, mas não entendia patavinas. – I used to study math, but I didn’t understand anything at all.
“Você gastou todo o dinheiro? Quanto sobrou?” “Nadica de nada.” – “Did you spend all the money? How much was left?” “Nothing at all.”
03. Estar numa pindaíba – to be extremely broke
Cara, tô numa pindaíba que você nem imagina! – Man, I’m so broke you have no idea!
Eu ‘tava numa pindaíba quando comprei esse carro. Nem sei como consegui pagar. – I was so damn broke when I bought this car. I don’t even know how I was able to pay for it.
Ele anda numa pindaíba que dá dó! – He’s been so broke you feel sorry for him.
04. De lascar – something very difficult
A prova de inglês foi de lascar, hein! – The English test was so hard, wasn’t it?
Tomar banho no tempo frio é de lascar. – Taking a shower in the cold weather is so hard!
We can also say “se lascar” when you fail at something:
Me lasquei na prova de matemática. – I failed miserably my math test.
05. Cafona – tacky, out of style (usually said about clothes)
Aquela mulher é muito cafona. Olha as roupas dela! – That woman is so tacky. Take a look at her clothes!
Pára de ser cafona e vai trocar de roupa. – Don’t be tacky and go change your clothes.
Que música cafona é essa? – What kind of tacky song is that?
The word brega has the same meaning as cafona.
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