Archive for August, 2017
[Portuguese listening/reading practice] – Sobre cães e gatos Posted by carol on Aug 31, 2017

Ei, pessoal! Hi, everyone! This month’s Portuguese listening and reading practice is a text entitled Sobre cães e Gatos (About Cats and Dogs) by Portuguese comedian Ricard Araújo Pereira. It talks about the difference between the two animals and their relation to their owners and humans in general. I hope you like it! Let’s remember…
[Time tenses in Portuguese] – The present continuous Posted by carol on Aug 29, 2017

[Tempos verbais em Português] Ei, galera! Hey, guys! Possibly one of the greatest challenges for Portuguese learners is mastering the large variety of time tenses in our language. With that in mind, we are going to run a new post series with the aim of showing and explaining verbs in the past, present and future…
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Posted by carol on Aug 25, 2017

Oi a todos! Hey, everybody! Como estão se sentindo hoje? How are you feeling today? Have you ever found yourselves slightly confused at the sight of two sweaty men (or women) fiercely rolling around on the floor together on TV? You were probably inadvertently watching a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, or BJJ combat. If you’re into sports…
How to use the word ‘será’ in Portuguese Posted by carol on Aug 20, 2017
Que será, será. Whatever will be, will be. If you remember this sucessful Doris Day song, popular until today, you’ve probably wondered: but what does será means? Strictly speaking, the word será is the future form of the verb to be in the third person singular. Take a look at the conjugation of the verb…
Who is Anitta/ Pablo Vittar Posted by carol on Aug 16, 2017

Oi, gente! Hi, all! Gretchen, the ‘Queen of Rebolado’ (swing) from our previous post, is not the única (only) Brazilian who has been successful around the mundo (world) lately. The release of the videoclip Sua Cara (your face), in late July, the result of a partnership of two Brazilian artists with the group Major Lazer…
Who is Gretchen/ Swish Swish Posted by carol on Aug 13, 2017

In July, Katy Perry’s Swish Swish lyric video hit a record: it was the most watched female-artist video in vinte e quatro horas (24 hours). Of course, all of Katy’s fame and success contributed to this statistics, but talvez (perhaps) the one actually in charge of the huge number of views is Gretchen, the protagonist…