Portuguese Language Blog

Archive for May, 2020

Brazilian states: Ceará Posted by on May 31, 2020

Sol (sun), calor (warm weather), mar (ocean), montanhas (mountains), falésias (cliffs), comida fresca e saborosa (fresh and tasty food), pessoas acolhedoras (kind people). For many, these are the perfect ingredients for great férias (holidays), and they can all be found in state of Ceará. Back to our series in which we explore the estados brasileiros…

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Brazilian health Youtubers Posted by on May 29, 2020

E aí, pessoal? What’s up, guys? Como está sendo o mês de maio? How’s May going for you so far? For about quatro meses (four months) now, the world’s media has turned almost exclusively to news not only on the contágio (spread) of the coronavirus pandemic, but also on its economical implications and the health…

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Dia Mundial da Língua Portuguesa Posted by on May 3, 2020

As of November 2019, UNESCO officially declared May 5th as the Dia Mundial da Língua Portuguesa (International Portuguese Language Day) also known as Dia da Lusofonia. This means that, this week, we will the celebrating this important date to express our deep appreciation and pride for our língua materna (mother tongue) for the first time. A…

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