We’ve talked a bit about non-verbal communication in the past, namely about hand gestures used in conjunction with certain themes in Brazilian Portuguese. We learned that when using depois, you can use a hand gesture to signal “maybe later” or “come back later.” In a new series, we’re going to learn about hand gestures you can use when speaking Portuguese.
The “stealing” gesture
This gesture represents something that was stolen, robbed, or illicitly taken. Let’s say you’re talking about a friend who found some items were missing after she held a party at her house.
Depois da festa, ela não conseguiu achar o iPod em lugar nenhum. Então você já sabe…[insert gesture here] After the party, she could find her iPod anywhere. You know what that means…
Here’s how you do it. Hold your left hand out, palm facing down.
Then, make a thumbs up sign with your right hand, and place your thumb directly under your left hand.
Without moving your thumb, open your right hand and swivel your four other fingers until your hand is closed again in a fist. Your thumb should always remain touching your palm, and your top hand shouldn’t move at all. Basically all you do is open and close your thumbs up hand in a circular motion.
What other gestures do you know of that you’d like to share?