Portuguese Language Blog

Cooking vocab Posted by on Nov 13, 2016 in Culture, Customs, Learning, Vocabulary

Vocabulário de cozinha

Hello, everyone! Olá, pessoal!

Are you guys hungry? How about making some food? Whether you’re a chef, an amateur, or just trying to scrape something together, cooking is a fundamental part of everyone’s lives.

We’ve already seen vocabulary on food, learned about the kitchen and saw some recipes on previous posts. Now it’s time to get things done! Today we’ll take a look at terms involved with food preparation, manipulating ingredients and cooking techniques and instructions.

The best way to practice is, of course, to follow a recipe and making a delicious meal. Not only will you improve your language skills, but you’ll also get to eat amazing food.

key words: cozinhar (cook), comer (eat), comida (food), ingredientes (ingredients), fazer (make), receita (recipe), provar (taste)

utensílios – utensils: panela (pan), forno (oven), tigela (bowl), geladeira (fridge), colher (spoon), faca (knife), garfo (fork), xícara (cup), prato (plate)

As refeições – The meals


  • 1) Café-da-manhã – breakfast (verb: tomar café da manhã – to have breakfast)
  • 2) Almoço – lunch (verb: almoçar – to have lunch)
  • 3) Lanche – snack (verb: lanchar – to have a snack)
  • 4) Jantar – dinner (verb: jantar – to have dinner)


  • Só tomei um copo de suco de laranja no café da manhã hoje (I only had a glass of orange juice for breakfast today)
  • Já são meio-dia! Vamos almoçar (It’s already noon! Let’s go to lunch)
  • Uma maçã é um exemplo de lanche saudável (An apple is an example of a healthy snack)
  • Vamos comer comida italiana no jantar hoje (Let’s have italian for dinner today)



  1. Acrescentar/adicionar – add
  2. Assar – bake
  3. Aquecer – heat
  4. Bater – beat
  5. Colocar – put
  6. Cortar – cut


  • 7. Derreter – melt
  • 8. Descascar – peel
  • 9. Despejar – pour
  • 10. Fatiar – slice
  • 11. Ferver – boil
  • 12. Fritar – fry


  1. Misturar – mix
  2. Mexer – stir
  3. Ralar – grate
  4. Refogar – braise
  5. Untar – grease


  • Prefiro cozinhar macarrão em uma panela grande (I prefer to cook pasta on a big pot)
  • Rale o queijo por cima do caneloni para mais sabor (Grate the cheese over the caneloni for extra flavor)
  • Não estou com vontade de cozinhar hoje, vamos comer fora (I don’t feel like cooking today, let’s eat out)
  • Ao fatiar o pepino, cuidado com seus dedos! (When you slice the cucumber, watch out for your fingers!)
  • O segredo de um bom risoto é mexer sem parar (The secret to a good risotto is to stir continually)
  • Add the chocolat chips to the cookie dough (Adicione as gotas de chocolate à massa de biscoito)
  • Asse no forno pré-aquecido por 35 a 40 minutos (Bake in the preheated oven for 35 to 40 minutes)
  • Despeje a massa em um tabuleiro untado (Pour the batter into a greased pan)
  • Derreta a manteiga antes de adicioná-la a receita (Melt the butter before adding it to the recipe)
  • Acrescente uma xícara de farinha e misture até ficar homogêneo (Add a cup of flour and mix until smooth)
  • Descasque as batatas antes de cozinhá-las (Peel the potatoes before boiling them)
  • Você pode me passar a receita dessa torta? Está uma delícia! (Can you give me the recipe for this pie? It’s delicious!)
  • Frite o bacon junto com a cebola por dez minutos (Fry the bacon and onions together for ten minutes)
  • Despeje o molho sobre a carne e coloque para assar (Pour the sauce over the meat and roast it)
  • Água ferve a 100°C (Water boils at 100°C)
  • Para fazer um omelete, bata dois ovos com um garfo (To make an omelette, beat two eggs with a fork)
  • Você pode cortar os legumes enquanto eu preparo a massa? (Can you chop the vegetables while I prepare the batter?)
  • Para finalizar, acrescente uma colher de noz moscada (To finish, add a spoonful of nutmeg)

Now for my favorite part: Sirva! (Serve!)

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  1. cristal:

    muito obrigada! seu artigo me ajudou muito.