Portuguese Language Blog

Brazilian Industry Posted by on Sep 16, 2009 in Economy

As we’ve seen in the blog, Brazil’s economy is booming, and the Economist reported yesterday that it has emerged from the recession.

So for today’s interactive feature, the question is: What do you think is Brazil’s most promising industry?

The most obvious answer would be petroleum, given the amount of press and political hoopla, but there are plenty of other industries making a mark on the economy: agriculture, food retail, technology, and telecoms, for example.

What do you think?

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  1. Christine:

    I think that Brazil emerging industry is much more spiritual than material…but it is born in the forests. Brazil will emerge, i believe, as one of the models of conscious expansion and expression of love for the Being of our Earth and her many precious gifts.

  2. Fabricio:

    STEEL (and other types of mining)!

    China needs it and so does India; They can’t get enough of it. With Companhia Vale do Rio Doce being the second-largest mining company in the world and the largest producer of iron ore, Brasil could be sitting pretty if they can parlay the world’s demand for steel, oil, and ethanol.

    Let’s not forget that they’re a player in the agricultural markets too.

    I just hope I can get in on this action. I am currently getting an MBA in order to get a job either working for or with a Brasilian company (in any of those industries). My Português, knowledge of Brasilian culture, my technical background, and my business degree will make me a valuable asset.
    Tupi fields, ethanol, strong Bovespa, and steel are just the beginning.
    Avante Brasil!

  3. Carlos R. Barron:

    I have a question that bothers me why the country Brasil is written with Z (BRAZIL) when they mention the country in English..The name of a country in Portugues or Spanish is BRASIL why the Z when it mentioned in English .
    For example Bolivia is Bolivia o Argentina, stays the same in English.

  4. Rachel:


    Brazil is spelled with Z in the English language, while it is spelled with an s in Portuguese and Spanish. This is probably because the s sound in English doesn’t produce the same sound it does in Portuguese. Otherwise, if it had an s, it would be pronounced Brah-ssihl instead of Brah-zzihl.